1. I have dared though within you lies the possibility
By my life, you are the highest and most glorious
١. قَد تَجاسَرتُ وَفيكَ المُحتَمَل
وَلَعَمري أَنتَ أَعلى وَأَجَلّ
2. What might a benevolent patron do
To a lover who did what he has done
٢. ماعَسى يَفعَلُ مَولىً مُحسِنٌ
بِمُحِبٍّ قَد جَنى فيما فَعَل
3. So please accept gracefully
For the favor has always been yours from the start
٣. فَتَفَضَّل بِقَبولٍ حَسَنٍ
فَلَكَ الفَضلُ قَديماً لَم يَزَل
4. Consider it for me an appreciated hand
And add it to your first hands
٤. خَلِّها عِندي يَداً مَشكورَةً
وَأَضِفها لِأَياديكَ الأُوَل