1. A beauty who never loved another but me,
Nor shared her love of me with any rival,
١. وَحَسناءَ ما ذاقَت لِغَيري مَحَبَّةً
وَلا نَغَّصَت لي حُبَّها بِشَريكِ
2. She asks about my passion for her, my rapture,
And I say, "Does not my death for you suffice?"
٢. تُسائِلُ عَن وَجدي بِها وَصَبابَتي
فَقُلتُ أَما يَكفيكِ مَوتِيَ فيكِ
3. She used to call me "brother" as pretext,
So I said, "You have corrupted your brother's mind."
٣. وَكانَت تُسَمّيني أَخاها تَعَلُّلاً
فَقُلتُ لَها أَفسَدتِ عَقلَ أَخيكِ
4. I left all people for love of only you,
If only some people had left you for me!
٤. تَرَكتُ جَميعَ الناسِ فيكِ مَحَبَّةً
فَيالَيتَ بَعضَ الناسِ لي تَرَكوكِ
5. They saw you and said, "The full moon, a branch, pure star,"
No doubt these people did not know you.
٥. رَأَوكِ فَقالوا البَدرُ وَالغُصنُ وَالنَقا
وَلا شَكَّ أَنَّ القَومَ ما عَرَفوكِ
6. By your life, you sinned when you wronged me,
Thus people in likening you have done you wrong.
٦. لَعَمرُكِ قَد أَذنَبتِ حينَ ظَلَمتِني
كَذا الناسُ في تَشبيهِهِم ظَلَموكِ
7. You wronged me only by saying I had asked
Would one like me ask about you? No, by your father!
٧. وَلَم تَظلِمي إِلّا بِقَولِكِ قَد سَلا
أَمِثلِيَ يَسلوا عَنكِ لا وَأَبيكِ
8. People in this world have many kings,
But, alas, people do not have a king like mine.
٨. وَلِلناسِ في الدُنيا مُلوكٌ كَثيرَةٌ
وَهَيهاتَ ما لِلناسِ مِثلُ مَلوكي