1. I fell in love with the full moon but I do not name him
Call him whatever you wish, say the full moon is complete
١. عَشِقتُ بَدراً وَلا أُسَمّي
ما شِئتُ قُل فيهِ بَدرُ تَمِّ
2. The blamers were confused by him
And each said without knowledge
٢. تَحَيَّرَ العاذِلونَ فيهِ
وَقالَ كُلٌّ بِغَيرِ عِلمِ
3. Most people blamed him abundantly
And few cherished him like I did
٣. وَأَكثَرَ الناسُ فيهِ لَوماً
وَقَلَّ في الحُبِّ فيهِ قِسمي
4. O moon, since you disappeared from me
The auspicious star did not shine upon me
٤. يا قَمَراً مُنذُ غابَ عَنّي
لَم يَتَّصِل بِالسُعودِ نَجمي
5. O the most perfect of creations in manners
None like you will accept my injustice
٥. يا أَحسَنَ العالَمينَ خُلقاً
مِثلُكَ لا يَرتَضي بِظُلمي
6. Do you not see what I endure because of you
It is beneath you to allow my sin
٦. أَما تَرى فيكَ ما أُلاقي
حاشاكَ أَن تَستَحِلَّ إِثمي
7. What is wrong with me, where is reason
Should I complain of my story to my adversary
٧. مالي وَأَينَ الصَوابُ عَنّي
أَأَشتَكي قِصَّتي لِخَصمي