
Has not the time come for the bright full moon to rise

أما آن للبدر المنير طلوع

1. Has not the time come for the bright full moon to rise
And illuminate the homelands and wildernesses?

١. أَما آنَ لِلبَدرِ المُنيرِ طُلوعُ
فَتُشرِقَ أَوطانٌ لَهُ وَرُبوعُ

2. So O absent one, nothing was absent but your face
And I forever have a yearning and grief for you

٢. فَيا غائِباً ما غابَ إِلّا بِوَجهِهِ
وَلي أَبَداً شَوقٌ لَهُ وَوَلوعُ

3. I will be thankful for the love that adorned my worship of you
Though in it there was humiliation and submission

٣. سَأَشكُرُ حُبّاً زانَ فيكَ عِبادَتي
وَإِن كانَ فيهِ ذِلَّةٌ وَخُضوعُ

4. I pray and in my youth there is tenderness
So all my prayers are done in your love, in devotion

٤. أُصَلّي وَعِندي لِلصَبابَةِ رِقَّةٌ
فَكُلُّ صَلاتي في هَواكَ خُشوعُ

5. O my loved ones! Will that life return
As it was when you all and I together were?

٥. أَأَحبابَنا هَل ذَلِكَ العَيشُ عائِدٌ
كَما كانَ إِذ أَنتُم وَنَحنُ جَميعُ

6. You said, "Spring is the time we promised we'd reunite"
But now spring has passed and it is another spring

٦. وَقُلتُم رَبيعٌ مَوعِدُ الوَصلِ بَينَنا
فَهَذا رَبيعٌ قَد مَضى وَرَبيعُ

7. My letters have been lost, O emigrants
And the messenger between us has grown weary and silent

٧. لَقَد فَنِيَت ياهاجِرونَ رَسائِلي
وَمَلَّ رَسولٌ بَينَنا وَشَفيعُ

8. So do not tap at my heart with rebuke, for it
Is as fragile as glass, easily shattered

٨. فَلا تَقرَعوا بِالعَتبِ قَلبي فَإِنَّهُ
وَحَقِّكُمُ مِثلُ الزُجاجِ صَديعُ

9. I will cry though my tears bleed for you all
I cried in poetry that softened into tears

٩. سَأَبكي وَإِن تَنزِف دُموعي عَلَيكُم
بَكَيتُ بِشِعرٍ رَقَّ فَهوَ دُموعُ

10. And my poetry was not lost on you when I recited it
Yes, and without you it wanders lost, yearning

١٠. وَما ضاعَ شِعري فيكُمُ حينَ قُلتُهُ
بَلى وَأَبيكُم ضاعَ فَهوَ يَضوعُ

11. I love the beautiful elegance of meaning and imagery
And in that elegance my poetry is elegant

١١. أُحِبُّ البَديعَ الحُسنِ مَعنىً وَصورَةً
وَشِعرِيَ في ذاكَ البَديعِ بَديعُ