
You are all equal, may Allah increase your number

تساويتم لا أكثر الله منكم

1. You are all equal, may Allah increase your number
Among you, praise be to Allah, are the praised

١. تَساوَيتُمُ لا أَكثَرَ اللَهُ مِنكُمُ
فَما فيكُمُ وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ مَحمودُ

2. I saw you, no purpose succeeds with you
Nor is proper conduct known, nor generosity found

٢. رَأَيتُكُمُ لا يَنجَحُ القَصدُ عِندَكُم
وَلا العِرفُ مَعروفٌ وَلا الجودُ مَوجودُ

3. I wish I had not seen your faces
And that I came to you by a blocked road

٣. وَدِدتُ بِأَنّي ما رَأَيتُ وُجوهَكُم
وَأَنَّ طَريقاً جِئتُكُم مِنهُ مَسدودُ

4. When will you take me away from the outskirts of your lands
Scorched, stripped bare, led by the halter?

٤. مَتى تُبعِدَنّي عَن حُدودِ بِلادِكُم
مُطَهَّمَةٌ جُردٌ وَمَهرِيَّةٌ قودُ

5. And I will wake with no thought of you in my mind
And the distance will cut what lies between us

٥. وَأُصبِحُ لا يَجري بِبالِيَ ذِكرِكُم
وَتَقطَعُ ما بَيني وَبَينَكُمُ البيدُ