1. A missive came to me from my master
So I said: It glitters, and I said: It shines
١. أَتَتني مِن سَيِّدي رُقعَةٌ
فَقُلتُ الزُلالُ وَقُلتُ الضَرب
2. And I began tracing his name in rapture
As if my lips were savoring wine
٢. وَرُحتُ لِرَسمِ اِسمِهِ لاثِماً
كَأَنّي لَثَمتُ اللَمى وَالشَنَب
3. What marvelous, subtle verses it bore
Filled with the finest rhetoric and lore!
٣. فَيا حَبَّذا غُرُّ أَبياتِها
وَما أودِعَت مِن فُنونِ الأَدَب
4. I placed it deep in my innermost heart
And would not glorify it in gold anymore
٤. فَأَودَعتُها في صَميمِ الفُؤا
دِ وَلَم أَرضَ تَسطيرَها بِالذَهَب
5. O excellent, noble sir of flawless repute
Of gracious deed, of purest attribute!
٥. فَيا أَيُّها السَيِّدُ الفاضِلُ ال
شَريفُ الفِعالِ المُنيفُ الحَسَب
6. You climbed the heights of glory in great haste
As though cascading from a mountaintop
٦. رَقيتَ هِضابَ العُلى مُسرِعاً
كَأَنَّكَ مُنحَدِرٌ مِن صَبَب
7. And every far-flung generosity
You seize as though from a nearby hilltop
٧. وَكُلُّ بَعيدٍ مِنَ المَكرُماتِ
كَأَنَّكَ تَأخُذُهُ مِن كَثَب
8. I come to you contrite, confessing my dearth
While nothing compares to your priceless worth
٨. أَتَيتُكَ مُعتَرِفاً بِالقُصو
رِ وَأَينَ اللَآلي مِنَ المُخشَلَب
9. For beside you I am filled with shame
Falling short of what duty does claim
٩. وَإِنّي مِنكَ لَفي خَجلَةٍ
لِأَنّي أُقَصِّرُ عَمّا وَجَب