1. My doctrine is love of a graceful body doctrined
I've loved a beauty with which the cup is sweetened
١. مذهبي حبُّ رشا ذي جسدٍ مُذهَّبِ
قَدْ حُبي حسناً بهِ يستعذبُ القدحَ بي
2. Reproaching, you're not just in blaming me, reproaching
A questioner, a weeping tear has made him question
٢. عاذلاً ما أنتَ في لومِكَ لي عادلا
سائلا يخبركَ دمعٌ قدْ همى سائلا
3. Ah, do not blame me, for my heart is not to blame, ah
My purpose and reason, infatuation has erased them
٣. آه لا تعذل فما قلبي بذا آهلا
منصبي والعقلُ أذهبْتهُما مِنْ صبي
4. I am not brought up but brought up in me what I'm brought up
Softened what's on his rosy cheek has softened
٤. ما رُبي إلاّ وقدْ ربي فيهِ ما ربي
رقَّ ما في خدِّهِ الورديِّ قدْ رقما
5. When I saw my tear has narrated when
Pained in my bowels from his estrangement pained
٥. عندما رأيتُ دمعي قدْ حكى عندما
ضرَّما في مهجتي مِنْ هجرِهِ ضرَّما
6. From my father who refuses consent, I got estrangement from my father
So please him with his consent, O heart, and please
٦. منْ أبي يأبى الرضى نلتُ الجفا من أبي
فارعَ بي رضاهُ يا قلبُ تهْ وارعبِ
7. Whoever prays for me, but he prayed estranging
Or no bosom friend, end what was begun
٧. من صَلَى لي فخَّهُ بل قدْ نضا منصلا
أو لا ملازم آخره أولا
8. Nightingale, his suffering heart, yes, nightingale, pain
For with me is another, and for the pleasures of passion, with me
٨. بلبلا فؤادُ مضناهُ بلى بل بلا
فانْهَ بي غيري ولذاتِ الغرامِ انهَبِ
9. And the woe is me from blame, rather, O my companions, woe
Not forgetting the fragrance of the days of union in me not forgetting
٩. وَالْهَ بي عن عذل بل يا حشاي الهبي
ما نسي طيبَ زمانِ الوصل فيَّ ما نسي
10. And the toucher our watcher with the palm I have not touched
My companion, my war so I found whenever my companion
١٠. والمسي رقيبنا بالكف لم ألمس
جانسي حربي فألفى كلما جانسي
11. And shed tears for me, O eyelid, shedding and the stars, shed
And arouse in me, who did not care for my lip, arouse
١١. وارْقَ بي يا طرفُ سهداً والنجومَ ارقبِ
واشن بي مَنْ لم يهمْ في ثغرِ أشنبِ