1. Abandon the mention of songs and love poems,
And say what is appropriate and avoid jesting.
١. اعتزلْ ذكرَ الأغاني والغزلْ
وقلِ الفصلَ وجانبْ مَنْ هزلْ
2. Leave the memories of the days of youth,
For the days of youth have set like stars.
٢. ودعِ الذكرى لأيامِ الصِّبا
فلأيامِ الصِّبا نجمٌ أفلْ
3. The sweetest life I have spent
Has passed for its own sake, and the sin is resolved.
٣. إنَّ أحلى عيشةٍ قضيتُها
ذهبتْ لذاتُها والإثمُ حلْ
4. And leave frivolity, do not care for it,
It is possessed in glory, raised and revered.
٤. واتركِ الغادةَ لا تحفلْ بها
تُمْسِ في عزٍّ وتُرْفَعْ وتُجَلْ
5. And distract yourself from the instruments of vanity that enthralled you,
And from the silk clothes and fluttering locks of hair.
٥. والهَ عنْ آلةِ لهوٍ أطربَتْ
وعنِ الأمردِ مرتجِّ الكفلْ
6. If the sun of morn appeared it would be eclipsed,
And if it touched, it would bloom with nightshade.
٦. إن تبدّى تنكسفْ شمسُ الضّحى
وإذا ما ماسَ يزري بالأسلْ
7. If we compared it to the full moon it would age,
And if we matched it to a branch it would straighten.
٧. زادَ إنْ قسناهُ بالبدرِ سنا
وعدلناهُ بغصنٍ فاعتدلْ
8. And think about the utmost beauty of the one
Whom you love, you will find a momentous matter.
٨. وافتكرْ في منتهى حسنِ الذي
أنتَ تهواهُ تجدْ أمراً جلَلْ
9. And fear God, for fearing God, nothing
Has ever entered a person's heart except and reached its destination.
٩. واتّقِ اللهَ فتقوى اللهِ ما
جاوزَتْ قلبَ امرئٍ إلاّ وصلْ
10. Not everyone who travels roads is a hero,
Rather, he who fears God is the brave one.
١٠. ليسَ مَنْ يقطعُ طرقاً بطلاً
إنما مَنْ يتّقِ اللهَ بطلْ
11. And abandon wine if you are a young man,
How can one in frenzy progress if he is reasonable?
١١. واهجرِ الخمرةَ إنْ كنتَ فتىً
كيفَ يسعى في جنونٍ مَنْ عقلْ
12. Believe in the Shariah and do not incline
To a man who observes Saturn at night.
١٢. صدِّقِ الشرعَ ولا تركنْ إلى
رجلٍ يرصدُ بالليلِ زحلْ
13. Minds are confused about the power of Him
Who has guided us, the Almighty and Majestic.
١٣. حارتِ الأفكارُ في قدرةِ مَنْ
قدْ هدانا سبْلنا عزَّ وجلْ
14. He has prescribed death upon creation, so how many
Have departed from assemblies and passed away from leadership.
١٤. كتبَ الموتَ على الخلقِ فكمْ
فلَّ مِنْ جَمْعٍ وأفنى منْ دُولْ
15. Where is Nimrod, and Canaan, and those
Who ruled matters and was appointed and dismissed?
١٥. أينَ نمرودُ وكنعانُ ومَنْ
ملكَ الأمرَ وولّى وعزَلْ
16. Where is Aad, where is Pharaoh and those
Who built the pyramids - who hears this is enlightened?
١٦. أينَ عادٌ أينَ فرعونُ ومَنْ
رفعَ الأهرامَ مَنْ يسمعْ يخلْ
17. Where are those who dominated and constructed and built?
All have perished, and mountains did not avail.
١٧. أينَ مَنْ سادوا وشادوا وبنوا
هلكَ الكلُّ ولمْ تغنِ القللْ
18. Where are the mosque patrons and the people of prohibition?
Where are the people of knowledge and the foremost nation?
١٨. أينَ أربابُ الحجا أهلُ النّهى
أينَ أهلُ العلمِ والقومُ الأُوَلْ
19. God will resurrect each one of them,
And will recompense the doer for what he has done.
١٩. سيعيدُ اللهُ كلاًّ منهمُ
وسيجزي فاعلاً ما قدْ فعلْ
20. O my son, listen to commandments that comprise
Wisdom specific to the best of religions.
٢٠. أيْ بنيَّ اسمعْ وصايا جَمعتْ
حكماً خُصَّتْ بها خيرُ المللْ
21. Seek knowledge and do not be lazy, for nothing
Has distanced good from the people of laziness.
٢١. اطلبِ العلمَ ولا تكسلْ فما
أبعدَ الخيرَ على أهلِ الكسلْ
22. And celebrate jurisprudence in religion, and do not
Be distracted from it by money or fantasies.
٢٢. واحتفلْ للفقهِ في الدينِ ولا
تشتغلْ عنهُ بمالٍ أوْ خَوَلْ
23. And avoid sleep, and obtain it, for he who
Knows what is sought belittles what is spent.
٢٣. واهجرِ النومَ وحصِّلْهُ فَمَنْ
يعرفِ المطلوبَ يحقرْ ما بذلْ
24. Do not say its experts have passed away,
For all who traversed the path have arrived.
٢٤. لا تقلْ قدْ ذهبَتْ أربابُهُ
كلُّ مَنْ سارَ على الدربِ وصلْ
25. In the proliferation of knowledge is subjugation of enemies,
And the beauty of knowledge, O man of action.
٢٥. في ازديادِ العلمِ إرغامُ العِدى
وجمالُ العلمِ يا صاحِ العملْ
26. Adorn speech with grammar, for whoever
Is deprived of syntax in speech goes senile.
٢٦. جمِّلِ المنطقَ بالنَّحوِ فَمَنْ
يُحرمِ الإعرابَ في النطقِ اختبلْ
27. And compose poetry and adhere to my creed,
For the lavishness of rhymed prose in life is paltry.
٢٧. وانظمِ الشعرَ ولازمْ مذهبي
فاطراحُ الرفدِ في الدنيا أقلْ
28. For it is a sign of virtue, and how wonderful poetry is when not debased.
The noble have died, none remains but
٢٨. فهْوَ عنوانٌ على الفضلِ وما
أحسنَ الشعرَ إذا لمْ يُبتذلْ
29. The vulgar or one who depends on his lineage.
I do not choose to kiss a hand,
٢٩. ماتَ أهلُ الجودِ لم يبقَ سوى
مُقرفٍ أوْ مَنْ على الأصلِ اتكلْ
30. Cutting it off is more beautiful than those kisses.
If you spare me from my praises I would be
٣٠. أنا لا أختارُ تقبيلَ يدٍ
قطعُها أجملُ مِنْ تلكَ القبلْ
31. Shy, or else self-reproach suffices me.
The sweetest words are my words to you, take them,
٣١. إنْ تُجِزْني عنْ مديحي صرتُ في
رقِّها أوْ لا فيكفيني الخجلْ
32. And the most bitter words are my words, perhaps.
The kingdom of Chosroes does not make a cup suffice,
٣٢. أعذبُ الألفاظِ قولي لكَ خذْ
وأمرُّ القولِ قولي بِلَعَلْ
33. And a sip by a ladle does not quench thirst from the sea.
Take heed, we have divided between them,
٣٣. مُلْكُ كسرى عنهُ تغني كِسرةٌ
وعنْ البحرِ ارتشافٌ بالوشلْ
34. Receive truthfully and with truth it has descended.
Nothing detains a young man from his resolve,
٣٤. اعتبرْ نحنُ قَسَمْنا بينَهُمْ
تلقَهُ حقاً وبالحقِّ نَزَلْ
35. Neither "no" nor what has passed with laziness.
And leave this world, for among its habits
٣٥. ليسَ ما يحوي الفتى عَنْ عزمِهِ
لا ولا ما فاتَ يوماً بالكسلْ
36. Is degrading the noble and elevating the lowly.
The life of an ascetic in attaining it
٣٦. واتركِ الدنيا فمِنْ عاداتِها
تخفضُ العالي وتعلي مَنْ سَفلْ
37. Is the life of a warrior, rather, this is more difficult.
How many ignorant ones, though bearing fruit abundantly,
٣٧. عيشةُ الزاهدِ في تحصيلِها
عيشةُُ الجاهِدِ بلْ هذا أزلْ
38. And wise ones have died from illnesses.
How many courageous ones have not attained any wealth from it,
٣٨. كم جهولٍ وهْوَ مثرٍ مكثرٌ
وحكيمٍ ماتَ منها بالعللْ
39. And cowards attained the hopes completely.
So abandon cunning in it, and be steadfast,
٣٩. كم شجاعٍ لم ينلْ منها غنى
وجبانٍ نالَ غاياتِ الأملْ
40. As cunning therein is to abandon cunning.
What palm has not attained wishes from it?
٤٠. فاتركِ الحيلةَ فيها واتّئدْ
إنما الحيلةُ في تركِ الحيلْ
41. So may God afflict it with paralysis.
Do not say I have lineage and ancestry,
٤١. أيُّ كفٍّ لمْ تنلْ منها المنى
فبلاها اللهُ منهُ بالشللْ
42. Rather, the lineage of a young man is what he himself attains.
One may gain prominence without a father,
٤٢. لا تقلْ أصلي وفصلي أبدا
إنما أصلُ الفتى ما قدْ حصلْ
43. And with excellent conduct base birth is concealed.
Just as roses grow from thorns and
٤٣. قدْ يسودُ المرءُ منْ غيرِ أبٍ
وبحسنِ السبكِ قَدْ يُنْفى الزغلْ
44. The narcissus only sprouts from a bulb.
Despite that I thank God for
٤٤. وكذا الوردُ منَ الشوكِ وما
ينبتُ النرجسُ إلا منْ بصلْ
45. My lineage, as it connects to Abu Bakr.
The value of a human being is what he is proficient in,
٤٥. معَ أني أحمَدُ اللهَ على
نسبي إذْ بأبي بكرِ اتصلْ
46. However much the human being increases it or diminishes it.
And conceal the two matters: poverty and riches,
٤٦. قيمةُ الإنسانِ ما يحسِنُهُ
أكثرَ الإنسانُ منهُ أوْ أقلْ
47. And earn your living and audit the one who slackened.
And dress intensely and labor hard, and avoid
٤٧. واكتمِ الأمرينِ فقراً وغنىً
واكسبِ الفلسَ وحاسبْ مَنْ بَطَلْ
48. The company of fools and misers.
Between extravagance and miserliness there is a position,
٤٨. وادّرعْ جداً وكداً واجتنبْ
صحبةَ الحمقى وأربابِ البخلْ
49. For if either of them exceeds, it kills.
Do not engage in vilifying noble ones who have passed away,
٤٩. بينَ تبذيرٍ وبخلٍ رتبةً
فكلا هذينِ إنْ زادَ قتلْ
50. They are not deserving of any lapse.
And overlook matters, for he who is
٥٠. لا تخضْ في سبِّ ساداتٍ مضَوا
إنهمْ ليسوا بأهلٍ للزللْ
51. Distracted by nonsense does not attain any gains.
It is not devoid of its opposite, and if
٥١. وتغافلْ عنْ أمورٍ إنَّهُ
لمْ يفزْ بالرفدِ إلاّ مَنْ غفلْ
52. One attempts isolation at the top of a mountain.
Keep away from the gossiper and shun him, for
٥٢. ليسَ يخلو المرُْ عنْ ضدٍّ وإنْ
حاولَ العزلةَ في رأسِ جبلْ
53. None conveyed disapproval except one who transmitted.
Leave the neighbor of your house if he is unneighborly,
٥٣. غبْ عنِ النمّامِ واهجرْهُ فما
بلَّغَ المكروهَ إلاّ مَنْ نقلْ
54. And if you do not find patience then relocation is beautiful.
Keep away from the sultan and beware his tyranny,
٥٤. دارِ جارَ الدارِ إنْ جارَ وإنْ
لمْ تجدْ صبراً فما أحلى النقلْ
55. Do not dispute with one who if he spoke, acted.
Do not accept governance, even if they ask
٥٥. جانبِ السلطانَ واحذرْ بطشَهُ
لا تخاصمْ مَنْ إذا قالَ فعلْ
56. Out of desire for you, and oppose those who were foreceful.
Half the people are enemies of one who
٥٦. لا تلِ الحكمَ وإنْ همْ سألوا
رغبةً فيكَ وخالفْ مَنْ عذَلْ
57. Assumes judgments - this is if he is just.
For he is like one imprisoned from his pleasures,
٥٧. إنَّ نصفَ الناسِ أعداءٌ لمَنْ
وليَ الأحكامَ هذا إنْ عدلْ
58. And both his hands bound on the Day of Resurrection.
Deficiency and resentment are only in
٥٨. فهْوَ كالمحبوسِ عنْ لذّاتِهِ
وكلا كفَّيْهِ في الحشرِ تُغَلْ
59. The words of the judge, for preaching and examples.
The pleasures of rule cannot be compared with
٥٩. إنما النقصُ والاستثقالُ في
لفظةِ القاضي لوعظٍ ومثلْ
60. What a person tastes when the matter is undone.
And governance, even if agreeable to one who tastes it,
٦٠. لا توازى لذَّةُ الحكمِ بما
ذاقَها المرءُ إذا المرْ انعزلْ
61. Poison is in that honey.
Appointment to office has made me weaker
٦١. والولاياتُ وإنْ طابتْ لمَنْ
ذاقَها فالسمُّ في ذاكَ العسلْ
62. And busier than appeasing the lowly.
Shorten hopes in this world and you will succeed,
٦٢. نَصَبُ المنصبِ أوهى جَلَدي
وعنائي منْ مداراةِ السفلْ
63. For the mark of intellect is shorten one's hopes.
Whoever death seeks suddenly
٦٣. قصِّرِ الآمالَ في الدنيا تفزْ
فدليلُ العقلِ تقصيرُ الأملْ
64. Deserves anxiety and fear.
Stay away and frequent your beloved ones rarely,
٦٤. إنَّ مَنْ يطلبهُ الموتُ على
غرّةٍ منهُ جديرٌ بالوجلْ
65. For whoever repeats his visits wearies his beloved.
Take the blade of the sword and leave its scabbard,
٦٥. غِبْ وزُرْ غِبّاً تزدْ حباً فَمَنْ
أكثرَ التردادَ أضناهُ المللْ
66. And consider the excellence of the young man apart from his garb.
Your love of homelands is evident incapacity,
٦٦. خذْ بنصلِ السيفِ واتركْ غِمْدَهُ
واعتبرْ فضلَ الفتى دونَ الحللْ
67. So travel far from family in exchange.
For by the remaining of water it stays stale,
٦٧. حبُّكَ الأوطانَ عجزٌ ظاهرٌ
فاغتربْ تلْقَ عنِ الأهلِ بدلْ
68. And the cycling of the moon, it by it becomes full.
O critic, say my words are nonsense,
٦٨. فبمكثِ الماءِ يبقى آسناً
وسُرى البدرِ بهِ البدرُ اكتملْ
69. For the scent of roses harms beetles.
Ignore the arrows of my words and take cover,
٦٩. أيها العائبُ قولي عبثاً
إنَّ طيبَ الوردِ مؤذٍ بالجُعَلْ
70. Lest an arrow from my quiver strike you.
Let not the softness of a young man deceive you,
٧٠. عدِّ عَنْ أسهمِ لفظي واستترْ
لا يصيبنَّكَ سهمٌ مِنْ ثُعَلْ
71. For snakes have a deceptive gentleness to be avoided.
I am like water, easy flowing,
٧١. لا يغرنَّكَ لينٌ مِنتْ فتى
إنَّ للحيّاتِ لينٌ يُعتزَلْ
72. And when heated I harm and kill.
I am like glass, difficult to break,
٧٢. أنا مثلُ الماءِ سهلٌ سائغٌ
ومتى سُخِّنَ آذى وقتلْ
73. Yet pliable however you wish it to bend.
Except I am in a time in which whoever possesses
٧٣. أنا كالخيزورِ صعبٌ كسرُهُ
وهْوَ لدْنٌ كيفما شئتَ انفتلْ
74. Wealth is the revered master.
And it is a duty among people to honor him,
٧٤. غيرَ أني في زمانٍ مَنْ يكنْ
فيهِ ذا مالٍ هوَ المولى الأجلْ
75. While the poor among them are deemed insignificant.
All the people of this age are immersed, and I
٧٥. واجبٌ عندَ الورى إكرامُهُ
وقليلُ المالِ فيهمْ يُستقلْ
76. Am one of them, so leave the details of perfection.
٧٦. كلُّ أهلِ العصرِ غمرٌ وأنا
منهمُ فاتركْ تفاصيلَ الجملْ