
News reached me, O Nawaa

لقيت خبرا يا نوى

1. News reached me, O Nawaa
And I was guarded from the pain of love

١. لُقِّيتِ خبراً يا نوى
وحُرستِ منْ ألمِ النوى

2. Indeed an ascetic became intertwined
In knowledge, the purest of intentions

٢. فلقدْ نشابكِ زاهدٌ
في العلمِ أخلصَ ما نوى

3. And over his enemies is his superiority
Like the superiority of grains over chaff

٣. وعلى عداهُ فضلُهُ
فضلُ الحبوبِ على النوى