1. Oh home, how radiant you were
Where are your dwellers now, o home?
١. يا دارُ كمْ حلَّكِ أقمارُ
فأينَ سكانُكِ يا دارُ
2. Whether they settled or traveled on
They are paradise and hellfire both
٢. أهلُكِ إنْ حلَّوا وإنْ ساروا
همْ جنَّةُ الفردوسُ والنارُ
3. Time has scattered us though once
In that home we all belonged
٣. فرَّقَنا الدهرُ وقدْ كانَ لي
في الدارِ أوطانٌ وأوطارُ
4. Since we parted my tears still flow
My heart forever feels their loss
٤. فمدمعي مِنْ حين فارقتُهُمْ
جاري وقلبي لهمُ جارُ