1. Whoever possesses the world and it submits to him
The epitome of ignorance is to envy him
١. مَنْ ملَكَ الدنيا ودانَتْ لهُ
فالجهلُ كلُّ الجهلِ أنْ يُحسدا
2. In proportion to how they raise their people
It debases them, for judgement is near at hand
٢. بقدْرِ ما ترفعُ أصحابَها
تَحُطُّهُمْ فالرأيُ قربُ المدى
3. Woe unto him deluded by its arrogance
Today it laughs, tomorrow it cries
٣. ويلي على المغرى بعليائِها
سيضحكُ اليومَ ويبكي غدا
4. It gives like a tender mother, but
Seizes back with the grasp of an enemy
٤. تعطيهِ كالمشفقِ لكنَّها
تبطشُ في الأخذِ كبطشِ العدى
5. A sweet beginning for one who tastes it
But look to the end of the affair
٥. مبتدأٌ حلوٌ لمَنْ ذاقَهُ
ولكنِ انظرْ خبرَ المبتدا
6. Deceitful, treacherous are its people
Not in vain have ascetics renounced it
٦. غدارةٌ خوّانةٌ أهلُها
ما زهدَ الزهادُ فيها سدى