
My liver is tortured, and my heart beats rapidly,

كبد معذبة وقلب خافق

1. My liver is tortured, and my heart beats rapidly,
The firewood has ignited, and my tears flow,

١. كبدٌ معذَّبةٌ وقلبٌ خافقٌ
وحشاشةٌ نضجَتْ ودمعٌ دافقُ

2. The reproaches of the wicked increased my heart's agony,
If only he accompanied me, he would not be harmed.

٢. وعذولُ سوءٍ زادَ قلبي وجعةً
ما ضرَّهُ لو أنهُ بيَ رافقُ

3. O master who seduced the world with his beauty,
My sleep is prolonged due to your absence from my eyelids.

٣. يا سيداً فتَنَ الورى بجمالِهِ
نومي لِبُعْدكَ عَنْ جفوني طالقُ

4. I swear by the night of our union in Tuwayli',
I long for the glances of your face.

٤. قسماً بليلةِ وصلِنا بِطُوَيْلِعٍ
إني إلى لمحاتِ وجهِكَ شائقُ

5. If you told the lovers to die of passion,
The sincere lover would obey and perish.

٥. لو قلتَ للعشاقِ موتوا لوعةً
وصبابةً بانَ المحبُّ الصادقُ