
He was the most ascetic of them and the most glorious,

قد كان أعظمهم زهدا وأرفعهم

1. He was the most ascetic of them and the most glorious,
And the most wakeful in seeking knowledge through the nights.

١. قد كانَ أعظمَهمْ زهداً وأرفعَهمْ
مجداً وأسهرَهم في العلمِ أجفانا

2. Whatever excellence God granted to his father,
We now see it in his son.

٢. ما أودعَ اللهُ منْ فضلٍ لوالدِهِ
إلا ونحنُ نراهُ في ابنِهِ الآنا

3. I humble myself, adhering to my manners,
Rather than try to improve upon proof with more proof.

٣. إني لأُصغِرُ نفسي لازماً أدبي
منْ أنْ أقيمَ على البرهانِ برهانا