
A skillful opponent he is

مثاقف أشطانه عبلة

1. A skillful opponent he is
His rank above Antar's is sublime

١. مثاقفٌ أشطانُهُ عَبْلَةٌ
رتبتُهُ عَنْ عنترٍ ساميَهْ

2. With his face my spear is intimate
My blood came from the skulls of my enemies

٢. بوجهِه الترس أنا ناشبٌ
جاء دمي من زقِّ أعدائيَهْ

3. No reproach for me from the party of goodness, nor
Are their opinions of my calmness high

٣. لا عذَّلي من حزبِ خيرٍ ولا
آراؤُهُمْ في سلوتي عاليَهْ