1. Her glances have become my desire, her glances
Launch arrows, if only her arrows were mine
١. أضحتْ مرامي طرفُ هندَ مرامي
ترمي سهاماً ليتهنَّ سهامي
2. If the infatuated saw her when she appeared
You'd think they were bowing before idols
٢. لو تنظرُ الحنفاءُ حينَ بدتْ لهم
لظننتَهُمْ عكفوا على الأصنامِ
3. With her cheeks, chin, and lips
A branch, apple, and rain cloud's love
٣. فبقدِّها وبخدِّها وبثغرِها
غصنٌ وتفاحٌ وحبُّ غمامِ
4. When she emerged between her veil's folds
The full moon's brilliance shone through her cover
٤. لما تبدَّتْ بين تربيها ومنْ
سحبِ البراقعِ لاحَ بدرُ تمامِ
5. I called to my heart and mind together
I have fallen, so farewell in peace
٥. ناديْتُ يا قلبي ويا عقلي معاً
أنا قدْ وقعتُ ففارقا بسلامِ