
Your tailor, despite his great audacity, has

خياطكم مع فرط جرأته له

1. Your tailor, despite his great audacity, has
An alluring glance and a charming wit.

١. خيّاطُكمْ معَ فرطِ جرأتِهِ لهُ
طرفٌ وقدٌّ راشقٌ ورشيقُ

2. And of wonders, that he stitches our hearts
With his gaze, though his tongue splits and rends.

٢. ومنَ العجائبِ أنْ يخيطَ قلوبَنا
بلحاظِهِ ولسانُهُ مفتوقُ