1. O judge, what an excellent judge you are
Whom all people are pleased with
١. يا أيُّها القاضي ونعمَ القاضي
ومَنْ جميعُ الناسِ عنه راضِ
2. A touch of blackness from you in whiteness
Expresses your generous spirit
٢. جاءَ سوادٌ منكَ في بياضٍ
يعربُ عنْ خاطرِكَ الفيّاضِ
3. More gentle than the flowers of gardens
And water of spring on meadows
٣. ألطفُ مِنْ أزاهِرِ الرياضِ
وماءِ مزنةٍ على رضراضِ
4. So my tension disappeared with its relaxation
As if it were the past youthful days
٤. فزالَ بانبساطِهِ انقباضي
كأنَّهُ عصرُ الشبابِ الماضي