
Our sultan today is a child, and the elders are behind

سلطاننا اليوم طفل والأكابر في

1. Our sultan today is a child, and the elders are behind
Him, with the devil inciting between them.

١. سلطانُنَا اليومَ طفلٌ والأكابرُ في
خِلْفٍ وبينهُم الشيطانُ قَدْ نزغا

2. So how can one touched by darkness hope
To attain what the sultan and his elders have not reached?

٢. فكيفَ يطمعُ مَنْ مسَّتْهُ مظلمَةٌ
أَنْ يبلغَ السُّؤْلَ والسلطانُ ما بلغا