
My heart is distraught for this life with Lulu,

قلبي لعمر الله معلول

1. My heart is distraught for this life with Lulu,
For what has happened to people along with Lulu.

١. قلبي لعمرُ اللهِ معلولُ
بما جرى للناسِ معْ لولو

2. O Lord, time has scattered from us happiness,
A sword unsheathed against the world is Lulu.

٢. يا ربُّ قدْ شرَّدَ عنَّا الكرى
سيفٌ على العالمِ مسلولُ

3. This sword has no scabbard,
Except You, O Most Gentle and Forbearing.

٣. وما لهذا السيفِ مِنْ مغمدٍ
سواكَ يا مَنْ لطفُهُ السولُ