
They said poetry has begun, shouldn't you recite poetry?

قالوا بدا الشعر أما تشعر

1. They said poetry has begun, shouldn't you recite poetry?
I said you must excuse me,

١. قالوا بدا الشَّعرُ أما تشعرُ
قلتُ مِنَ الواجبِ أنْ تعذروا

2. His cheek holds signs of beauty, and he who
Sees the signs cannot be dazzled,

٢. بخدِّه آياتُ حسنٍ وَمَنْ
إذا رأى الآياتِ لا يُبهرُ

3. I copied them down, and they were true to their reader,
So in the margins I have lines for them,

٣. نسختُها صحَّتْ لقرَّائِها
ففي حواشيها لهمْ أسطرُ

4. But his mouth's harvest came from his mouth's field,
Witnesses sweeter than grape juice, though lightning's fear cannot empower,

٤. بل نحلُّهُ قدَ رامَ مِنْ ثغرِهِ
شهداً وخوفُ البرقِ لا يجسرُ

5. Or his cheek is a mirror of beauty in which
He who looks sees its lashes,

٥. أو خدُّهُ مرآةُ حُسْنٍ يرى
أهدابَهُ فيها الذي يَنظرُ

6. Or it is a sea of life whose ambergris
Is cast upon its beach,

٦. أو هو بحرٌ مِنْ حياةٍ طما
يُزجى إلى ساحلِهِ العنبرُ

7. White of face, red of cheek, its dark
Stubble has blackened my heart,

٧. أبيضُ الوجهِ أحمرُ الخَدِّ قدْ
سوَّدَ قلبي قَدُّهُ الأسمرُ

8. He who wants to pluck roses from his cheek,
The scorpion of his mole lies in wait for him,

٨. منْ رامَ يجني الوردَ مشنْ خدِّهِ
فعقربُ الصدغِ لهُ تنظرُ

9. Do not deny my aversion for one like him,
For what gazelle is not made to bolt?

٩. لا تنكروا النفرةَ مِنْ مثلِهِ
فأيُّ ظبيٍ وَيْكَ لا ينفرُ

10. And remind the branch of my state, perhaps
It will mend my heart after it has broken it,

١٠. وذكِّرِ الغصنَ بحالي عسى
يجبرُ قلبي بعدما يكسرُ

11. For the branch has inclined at the wind's words
Away from its parent water,

١١. فالغصنُ عنْ والدِهِ الماءِ قدْ
مالَ بقولِ الريحِ إذْ تعبرُ

12. O you who have taken the office of judge,
Is this judgment or fate?

١٢. يا مَنْ تولّى قاضياً
هذا قضاءٌ أم قدرْ

13. Your excuse in forgetting us
Is that judgment blinds the eyes.

١٣. عذرُكَ في نسياننا
أنَّ القضا يُعمي البصرْ