
You have embarrassed me with your constant kindness

أخجلتني بتواتر الإحسان

1. You have embarrassed me with your constant kindness
Until it occupies my thoughts and every tongue

١. أخجلْتَني بتواترِ الإحسانِ
حتى وهى فكري وكلَّ لساني

2. I had been thirsty for honor and glory
Until I relied on the sons of Rayyan

٢. قدْ كنتُ مِنْ عزٍّ وجاهٍ ظامئاً
حتى استندْتُ إلى بني ريَّانِ

3. So I became one who is mentioned for authority and height
These are the benefits of befriending the eminent

٣. فغدوتُ أُذكرُ للمنصابِ والعلى
هذي فوائدُ صُحْبةِ الأعيانِ

4. Were it not for the beauty of religion I would not be mentioned even if
I were to be the second Shafi'i

٤. لولا جمالُ الدينِ لم أُذكرْ ولو
أني أكونُ الشافعيَّ الثاني

5. Although throughout his life I have been
Seeking things whose students were my peers

٥. معْ أنني راجٍ بطولِ حياتِهِ
أشياءَ كانَ طلابُها أعياني

6. It has spread amongst women that I am his offspring
And he takes pride that he raised me

٦. قدْ شاعَ بينَ النساِ أني نشؤُهُ
وليَ الفخارُ بأنَّهُ أنشاني

7. They heard of his noble care for me so no
Friend of mine but congratulated me

٧. سمعوا عنايتهُ الشريفةَ بي فما
مِنْ صاحبٍ إلا بهِ هنَّاني

8. My master you began with benevolence and who
Is like this, by God, will not forget me

٨. مولايَ أنتَ بدأتَ بالحسنى وَمَنْ
هوَ هكذا واللهِ لا ينساني

9. With one expression or glance from your eminence
I am exalted and become of lofty stature

٩. فبلفظةٍ أو لحظةٍ مِنْ جاهكمْ
أسمو فأصبحُ عاليَ البنيانِ

10. And I praise Bahauddin with what
He granted me in the frequented mosque

١٠. وعلى بهاءِ الدين أثني بالذي
في الجامعِ المعمورِ قَدْ أولاني

11. Whatever is from him is indeed from your existence and his virtues
Are branches whose roots are principles

١١. ما كانَ منهُ فإنَّ منكَ وجودَهُ
ومنَ الأصولِ منابتُ الأغصانِ

12. With magnanimity derived from you I took example
It is the first and he is the second abode

١٢. بمروءةٍ طائيةٍ منكَ اقتدي
هي أولٌ وهو المحلُّ الثاني

13. I have been granted care and love from you
Praise be to God who granted me

١٣. أعطيتُ منكَ عنايةً ومحبةً
الحمدُ للهِ الذي أعطاني

14. And if God wills the dissemination of virtue
He folds it up and establishes for it the leader of an era

١٤. وإذا أراد اللهُ نشرَ فضيلةٍ
طُويَتْ أقامَ لها رئيسَ زمانِ

15. You continue to support those who attain praiseworthy deeds
Blessed you are and guarded by the Quran

١٥. لا زلت تَنْصُرُ مَنْ ينيلُ مساعياً
محمودةٌ وحُرسْتَ بالقرآنِ