1. I am reminded of lightning when it flashes,
Of dwellings where you all used to gather,
١. تذكرتُ بالبرقِ إذْ يلمعُ
منازلَ كانتْ بكمْ تجمعُ
2. In the time of union, will it return
To extinguish what my ribs contain?
٢. فيا زمنَ الوصلِ هَلْ عائدٌ
فتخمد ما حوتِ الأضلعُ
3. How can joy return to the passionate
When it is unlikely they will be joyous?
٣. وكيف يعودُ لأهلِ الهوى
سرورٌ ومستَبْعَدٌ أن يعوا
4. I left the beloved ones after you all,
For I drink the cup of weeping.
٤. هجرتُ النقا بعدَكم والصفا
لأني بكأسِ البكا أجرعُ
5. I tell you openly and tears flowed,
This is Hejaz and that one bubbles forth.
٥. أبثكِ بَيْنَاً ودمعاً جرى
فهذا حجازٌ وذا ينبعُ
6. As if arrows from the bending bow,
So separation's shooting made us zealous.
٦. كأنَّ سهامٌ لقَوسِ النوى
فرامي الفراقِ بنا مولعُ
7. And in the obstinate souls we have
And in the sent forth we have flowing tears.
٧. وفي النازعاتِ لنا أنفسٌ
وفي المرسلاتِ لنا أدمعُ
8. I love the beautiful one and blackness of night,
And the Lord of the sky, fear of Him restrains.
٨. أحبُّ الدمى وسوادَ اللمى
وربُّ السما خوفُهُ يردعُ
9. So by nature I have aspiration
While by law I have no hope.
٩. فَمِنْ جهةِ الطبعِ لي مطمحٌ
وَمِنْ جهةِ الشرعِ لا مطمعُ
10. And I don't know beauty but I see
That to me integrity is loftier.
١٠. وما أجهلُ الحسنَ لكنْ أرى
بأنَّ النزاهةَ لي أرفعُ
11. And had it not been for God-fearingness
I would have sought out misery,
١١. ولولا التقى كنتُ أبغي الشقا
ويجتمعُ اللهوُ لي أجمعُ
12. And entertainment would have come together for me.
I kept the company of scholars and aspired to elevation
١٢. صحبتُ الملا وطمعتُ العلى
وجربْتُ ما ضرَّ أو ينفعُ
13. And I tried what harmed and what benefited.
So I did not see anyone more abject than one who aspires
١٣. فَلَمْ أرَ أرذلَ مِنْ طامعٍ
ألا قاتلَ اللهُ مَنْ يطمعُ
14. May God destroy whoever aspires!
And I did not see anyone loftier than one who is content
١٤. ولم أرَ أرفعَ من قانعٍ
فللِّهِ كلُّ فتى يقنعُ
15. So every young man who is content is praiseworthy.
And in my life I did not taste coffee
١٥. وما ذقتُ في عمريَ قهوةً
ولم يُجْلَ لي كأسُها المترعُ
16. And its cup was not poured out streaming for me.
Nor did a skilled female singer tune her lute
١٦. وما أصلحتْ قينةٌ عودَها
وغنَّتْ بهِ وأنا أسمعُ
17. and sing while I listen.
And had I ventured ignorantly into her passion
١٧. ولو رمْتُ في وصلِها جهلةً
لما كانَ للسرِّ مستودَعُ
18. There would have been for the secret no repository.
Nor did a white-skinned tender one display to me
١٨. ولا هزَّ لي أمردٌ عطفه
يُشبَّه بالبدرِ إذْ يطلعُ
19. His softness, likened to the rising moon.
So whoever enjoyed the tender one,
١٩. فَمَنْ كانَ بالمردِ مستمتعاً
فذاكَ به كان يستمتعُ
20. He by him was enjoying.
And whoever obeys frivolity in the spring of youth
٢٠. ومن يطعِ اللهوَ عصرَ الصبا
فذلكَ بالشيبِ لا يرجعُ
21. Will not return from old age.
I am the frustrated, the hypocrite, the confused one,
٢١. أنا الكاسدُ النافقُ الشاردات
تسيرُ وأنوارُها تسطعُ
22. While their lights move and shine.
I brought together with knowledge poetry for it
٢٢. جمعتُ إلى العلمِ نظماً لهُ
غصونٌ حمائمُها تسجعُ
23. Branches, its doves are cooing.
God protected my poetry from disgrace
٢٣. حمى اللهُ شعريَ عن ذلةٍ
فلا يستكينُ ولا يخضعُ
24. So it bends not nor bows down.
And earning wealth through praise
٢٤. وإن اكتسابَ الغنى بالمديحِ
مهينٌ له مؤلمٌ موجعُ
25. Is disgraceful, painful and distressing to it.
My father left us seven
٢٥. وخلَّفَنا والدي سبعةً
من الولْدِ مربعُهُمْ ممرعُ
26. Children, their square brings good tidings.
Fate saw seven suns for us
٢٦. رأى الدهرُ سبعَ شموس لنا
فعانَدَنا فإذا أربعُ
27. So it envied us and thus four remain.
Their pain was my pain
٢٧. وكانَ توجعُهُمْ مُوجعي
ولكنْ فرقَتَهمْ أوجعُ
28. But their separation was more painful.
It is fate that composes wrongly about its people
٢٨. هوَ الدهرُ يلحنُ في أهلِهِ
فيخفضُ مَنْ حقُّهُ يرفعُ
29. Lowering whom it should raise high.
Did you not see it as opposed to the God-fearing
٢٩. أَلَمْ تَرَهُ ضدَّ أهلِ التقى
وَمَنْ ضدَّهُ الدهرُ ما يصنعُ
30. While against whom fate is opposed, what can he do?
The poor people of piety were rendered mute
٣٠. مساكينُ أهلُ النقا أُخرسوا
وَمَنْ ألفوا المنحنى لعلعوا
31. While those accustomed to bending cry loudly.
So how many with deficient mouths have high name
٣١. فكمْ ناقصٍ ثغرُهُ باسمٌ
وكمْ فاضلٍ سنَّهُ يقرعُ
32. And many virtuous ones, their teeth are bared!
So do not be surprised if an ignorant one
٣٢. فلا تعجبُنْكَ على جاهلٍ
فدولتُهُ بغتةً تقلعُ
33. His leadership suddenly uproots.
And if the ignorant ones attained glory
٣٣. ولو بلغَ الجاهلونَ السُّها
فما تحتَ موضعِهِمْ موضعُ
34. Still, under their place would not be place.
So leave the sciences if you come upon them
٣٤. فخلِّ العلومَ إذا جئتَهُمْ
فليسَ لها عندهُمْ موقعُ
35. For they have with them no station.
Nor mention refinement in their presence
٣٥. ولا تذكرنْ أدباً عندهُمْ
فآدابُ أشعارِهمْ بلقَعُ
36. For the refinement of their poetry is worthless.
The greatest thing for them in status
٣٦. أجلَّ الورى عندهم رتبةً
وضيعٌ يزمزمُ أو يُصفعُ
37. Is a cheap person circumambulating or jostled.
I see stinginess, excessive and repulsive
٣٧. أرى البخلَ مستشبعاً فاحشاً
وسعيي إلى بابهم أَبشعُ
38. While my efforts to their doors are more repulsive.
Oh how ugly they are in what they were empowered over
٣٨. فيا قبحَهُمْ في الذي خُوِّلوا
ويا حسنهم عندما يُنزعُ
39. And how good they are when it is wrested away!
And if I were pleased with what the people are in
٣٩. ولو كنتُ أرضى بما القومُ فيه
لما كنتُ عَنْ نيلِهِ أُدفعُ
40. I would not be barred from attaining it.
I chose indifference - so how many a robe
٤٠. رضيتُ الخمولَ فكم خلعةٍ
بها دينُ لابِسها يخلعُ
41. By which its wearer's religion is divested!
And how much joy has brought sorrow
٤١. وكم فرحةٍ جَلَبَتْ ترحةٍ
وَكَمْ ضحكٍ بعدَهُ مدمعُ
42. And how much laughter thereafter is tearful!
When I laugh at their state
٤٢. إذا ما تضاحكتْ منْ حالهم
يظنونَ أني لهمْ أخشعُ
43. They think I humble myself to them.
But does the lion laugh? Nay,
٤٣. وما يَكْشرُ الليثُ ضحكاً بلى
يكشِّرُ إذْ سمُّه منقعُ
44. He bares his fangs when his poison flows.
What is past is past and what is over is over
٤٤. مضى ما مضى وانقضى ما انقضى
وعند المهيمنِ نستجمعُ
45. And with the All-Dominant we will gather.
So neither status that day will benefit
٤٥. فلا الجاهُ يومئذٍ نافعٌ
ولا المالُ حينئذٍ يشفَعُ
46. Nor wealth then will intercede.
O you who gather wealth stingily with it
٤٦. فيا جامعَ المالِ بخلاً بهِ
رويدَكَ وانظرْ لمنْ تجمعُ
47. Go gently and see for whom you gather!
And O you who envy me, be as you wish to be
٤٧. ويا حاسدي كيفَ شِئْتَ كنْ
فإنِّي باللهِ أستدفعُ
48. For I, by God, will defend myself.
And you, if you attack me foolishly
٤٨. وإنكَ لو رمْتَ لي هفوةً
أبى الشهداءُ إذا ما دُعوا
49. The martyrs, when called, refuse.
And none in the wilderness is rejecting
٤٩. وما في البريةِ مِنْ رافضٍ
لفضلي إلا لَهُ مصرعُ