
How many a learned man complains of distress and affliction,

كم عالم عالم يشكو طوى وظما

1. How many a learned man complains of distress and affliction,
While many an ignorant man lives a life of ease and enjoyment.

١. كم عالمٍ عالمٍ يشكو طوى وظما
وجاهلٍ جاهلٍ شبعانَ ريَّانا

2. He who has increased the disbelief of the disbelievers,
Has also increased the faith of the faithful.

٢. هذا الذي زادَ أهلَ الكفرِ لا سلِموا
كفراً وزادَ أولي الإيمانِ إيمانا