1. Greetings like the blossoming of meadows at dawn,
And gentler than the passing of the breeze, sweeter still,
١. سلامٌ كنشرِ الروضِ باكَرَهُ الحَيا
وألطفُ مِنْ مرِّ النسيمِ وأطيبُ
2. To the one I've yearned for since I heard his name,
I wrestle with longing, and longing prevails.
٢. على أريحيٍّ مذْ سمعتُ بذكرهِ
أُغالبُ فيهِ الشوقَ والشوقُ أَغلَبُ
3. O you, conveyer of the Judge's decrees, convey
Special greetings to the beloved from a loving soul,
٣. ألا مبلغاً قاضي القضا تحيةً
يُخصُّ بها فَهْوَ المحبُّ المحبَّبُ
4. Of ample benevolence, a cave dispelling distress,
A leader guiding to righteousness, drawing near through worship.
٤. عظيمُ الندى كهفُ الردى غائظُ العدى
إمامُ الهدى نائي المدى متقرّبُ
5. So you who fills the august office of judge, plead
That you may attain what you seek from Him.
٥. فيا منصبَ الحكمِ العزيزَ ابتهلْ عسى
تنالُ الذي ترجوهُ منهُ وتطلبُ
6. May He show you kindness and favor again
For the Judge of judges has been aloof a long while.
٦. عسى عطفةٌ منهُ عليكَ وعودةٌ
فقدْ طال من قاضي القضاةِ التغضُّبُ
7. Simple in benevolence, encompassing perfection,
His eloquence illuminates the meaning of rhetoric, drawing near.
٧. بسيطُ الندى حاوي النهايةِ شاملٌ
بإيضاحِهِ معنى البيانِ مقرَّبُ
8. And though ceasing to judge allows him comfort,
The hearts of people, by God, grow weary.
٨. وإنَّ لهُ في تركِهِ الحكمَ راحةً
ولكنْ قلوبُ الناسِ واللهِ تَتْعَبُ
9. Who else in creation can match his polish?
Which of mankind is as refined?
٩. فمن ذا سواهُ في الورى لا تلمُّهُ
على شَعَثٍ أيُّ الرجال المهذَّبُ