1. Who is the pride of religion, Othman, in
The mercies of God and His kindness?
١. منْ هوَ فخرُ الدينِ عثمانُ في
مراحمِ اللهِ وإحسانِهِ
2. He died a stranger, fearful, displaced
From the intimacy of his family and homeland.
٢. ماتَ غريباً خائفاً نازحاً
عنْ أنسِ أهليهِ وأوطانِهِ
3. And some of this, in it is what is hoped for him
By it, the mercy of his Judge.
٣. وبعضُ هذي فيهِ ما يرتجى
لهُ بهِ رحمةُ دَيَّانِهِ
4. So say to his critic, be gentle, for in
Your affair is what will avail you against his affair.
٤. فقلْ لشانيهِ ترفَّقْ ففي
شأنِكَ ما يغنيكَ عنْ شانِهِ