1. You have a mention unmatched in renown
And you have won a pride that no pride can attain
١. علا لكَ ذكرٌ لا يشابهُهُ ذكرُ
وحزْتَ فخاراً ليسَ يدركُهُ الفخرُ
2. Congratulations on a blessing God immortalized its mention
And through it the good news spread and dissemination became good
٢. هنيئاً بنعمى خلَّد اللهُ ذكرَها
وطال بها بشْرٌ وطابَ لها نشرُ
3. You have supported our religion by conquering Al-Nasiriyya
Indeed victory and triumph are for the path of God
٣. نصرْتَ بفتحِ الناصريَّةِ دينَنا
ألا في سبيل اللهِ ذا الفتحُ والنصرُ
4. And you named it House of Hadith as it is
Newly under authority, the command transpired in its removal
٤. وسميتَها دارَ الحديثِ لأنها
حديثةُ عهدٍ جاءَ في نزعِها الأمرُ
5. And you inverted the letter Kaaf so it became endearing
By your life, my heart is delighted with this heart
٥. وهمزاً قلبتَ الكافِ فَهْيَ أنيسةٌ
لعمرُكَ لي قلبٌ بذا القلبِ مُنْسَرُّ
6. So many churches and synagogues envied it
When their captivity by the Jews ended for it
٦. فكم حَسَدَتْها بَيْعَةٌ وكنيسةٌ
وقد فُكَّ من أيدي اليهودِ لها أَسْرُ
7. You held consensus for it so tears poured for them
And at the time of consensus, scattering is not denied
٧. عقدتَ لها الإجماعَ فانتثرتْ لهم
دموعٌ وعندَ العقدِ لا يُنكرُ النثرُ
8. And you revived it with education after its decline
And the mention of God became public in its precinct
٨. وأحييتَها بالدرسِ بعدَ اندراسِها
وصارَ لذكرِ اللهِ في ربعها جَهْرُ
9. And you doubled the diseases of Jews by its removal
So their faces tell of their turbans' yellowness
٩. وضاعفْتَ أمراضَ اليهودِ بنزعِها
فأوجُهُهم تحكي عمائمهمْ صُفْرُ
10. If the mention of Muhammad saddens the sorrowful
In it, then God's Kalim rejects the truth out of resentment
١٠. لئنْ أحزنَ الحزَّانَ ذكرُ محمدٍ
بها فكليمُ اللهِ للحقِّ يفترُّ
11. With this the heart of the king of devils is displaced
And that is due to two aspects, so understand the secret
١١. بذا قلبُ حزَّان الملاعينِ نازحٌ
وذلكَ مِنْ وجهينِ فَلْيُفهم السرُّ
12. It had become filthy with the nonsense of the wicked
So it was perfumed by the mention of the pure
١٢. وكانتْ بلثغاتِ الخبيثين طامثاً
فتمَّ بذكرِ الطيبينَ لها العطرُ
13. The seven heavens encompass its six directions
And glorification of God's words was specified in its ten
١٣. تعمُّ المثاني السبعُ ستَّ جهاتِها
وخُصصَ بالتوحيدِ كلْماتُها العشرُ
14. Whoever is annoyed by this is no Muslim
Does a Muslim prefer triumph of blasphemy?
١٤. وَمَنْ غاظَهُ هذا فليسَ بمسلمٍ
وهلْ مسلمٌ يختارُ أنْ يُنصرَ الكفرُ
15. If a horn is replaced with a Mu'azzin
Then replacing introduction with an indefinite name for it is foreign
١٥. فإن أُبْدِلَتْ عنْ صوتِ قرنٍ مؤذناً
فإبدالُ تعريفٍ منِ اسمٍ لهُ نكْرُ
16. You have diverted them from its precinct by moving them
To humiliation, and the diverted enters breaking
١٦. صَرَفْتَهم عنْ ربعها إذْ أضفْتَهُمْ
إلى الذلِّ والمصروفُ يدخلُهُ الكسرُ
17. Oh seal of Islam, block their salvation through
What they possessed, so let them despair, the matter is judged
١٧. أيا حاتمَ الإسلامِ ودُّوا خلاصَها
بما ملكوا فليخسؤوا قضي الأمرُ
18. The people knew if Hatim had wanted
Wealth, he would have abundant
١٨. وقدْ علمَ الأقوامُ لو أن حاتماً
أرادَ ثراءَ المالِ كانَ لهُ وفرُ
19. Had they sworn we will take its sister
No atonement would be required, perhaps they would be dutiful
١٩. ولو حلفوا أنَّا سننزعُ أختَها
لما وجبيتْ كفارةٌ ربَّما برُّوا
20. We take rent from them for residing in it
While the sale item and price are distinguished
٢٠. ونأخذُ منهمْ أَجْرَ سكناهمُ بها
وقد عُرف المبتاعُ وانفصلَ السعرُ
21. Is their harm to the Prophet forgotten and their hatred
And denial, and poison in the sheep and sorcery
٢١. أيُنسى أذاهم للنبيِّ وبغضُهُمْ
وتكذيبُهُمْ والسمُّ في الشاةِ والسحرُ
22. As if they are lost after being delivered, and some of them
Their perdition was certain and the scheming was great
٢٢. كأنهمُ في التيهِ بعدُ فمنهمُ
تحققَ سلواهم وقدْ عظمَ المكرُ
23. By your right, the Jews do not deserve this
Nor the Christians, neither fully nor partially
٢٣. وحقِّكَ ما هذا الذي تستحقُهُ ال
يهودُ ولا العشرانِ كلا ولا العشرُ
24. Your red pens have done to them
Of truth what the white and brown would not do
٢٤. لقدْ فعلَتْ أقلامُكَ الحمرُ فيهم
منَ الحقِّ ما لا تفعلُ البيضُ والسمرُ
25. Al-Nooriyya now is delighted by what transpired
To her neighbor, a neighbor gloats at the neighbor
٢٥. وقدْ أفرحَ النوريةَ الآنَ ما جرى
لجارتِها والجارُ بالجارِ ينسرُّ
26. It listened attentively to the House of Hadith
When there was protection from hearing their blasphemy
٢٦. أصاخَتْ إلى دارِ الحديثِ وأنصتَتْ
وكانَ بها عنْ سمعِ كفرهُم وَقْرُ
27. I wondered about it when I analyzed its exterior
It did not dance in wonder, but it is solid rock
٢٧. عجبتُ لها لمَّا حللْتُ بريعِها
وما رقصتْ عجْباً ولكنَّها صخرُ
28. By God it no longer fears disgrace
With Al-Noor Eddin's endowments as a backer
٢٨. وما بقيتْ واللهِ تخشى مذلةٌ
وأوقافُ نورِ الدينِ مِنْ خلفها ظهرُ
29. How can it fear defect with its perfection?
When the chief judge has become its provision
٢٩. وكيفَ تخافُ النقصَ عندَ كمالها
وقدْ صارَ من قاضي القضاةِ لها ذخرُ
30. An Imam leading the eminent with his aura
With his palm in every place for it are drops
٣٠. إمامٌ يؤمُّ المقترونَ جنابَهُ
وَمِنْ كفِّهِ في كلِّ قطرٍ لها قطرُ
31. Ally of dew, spite of enemies, diverter of corruption
Imam of guidance, generous without limit
٣١. حليفُ الندى غيظُ العدى صارفُ الردى
إمامُ الهدى فاتَ المدى جودُه الغمرُ
32. He learned knowledge from his signs and circle
Of masters, the Anwar, their faces blossoming
٣٢. حوى العلمَ عنْ آياتِهِ ومعاشرٍ
من السادةِ الأنصارِ أوجُهُهُمْ زَهْرُ
33. I see this pilgrim exits a ransom
If his mention flows between pilgrims
٣٣. أرى أنَّ ذا الإحرام يخرجُ فديةً
إذا ما جرى بينَ الحجيجِ لهُ ذكرُ
34. When he says I revived Shafi’i’s jurisprudence
In learning and transmission, and if probed, how excellent is probing
٣٤. إذا قالَ أحيا الشافعي تفقهاً
ونقلاً وإنْ يسبرْ فيا حبذا السبرُ
35. You have erred, the post of Chief Justice or Egypt
Are not equal to his knowledge
٣٥. وما منصبَ الشهباءِ كُفْواً لعلمِهِ
غلطتَ ولا دارُ السلامِ ولا مصرُ
36. If the groups of factions wanted to test him
The distinction of the night of distinction gives him victory
٣٦. فإنْ زُمَرُ الأحزابِ راموا امتحانَهُ
سبى ليلَ فرقانِ المجادلةِ النصرُ
37. If his life offered nothing besides this
It would suffice him, and how many others impossible to enumerate
٣٧. ولو لم يؤثرْ عمرَهُ غيرَ هذِهِ
كَفَتْه وكم أخرى له عسرَ الحصرُ
38. It saved it from its misery and troubles
My life for you, save me for life is spent
٣٨. أمنقذَها من بؤسِها وعنائها
فديتُكَ أنقذني فقدْ نَفَدَ العمرُ
39. I see unseen that I am neglected
And my livelihood is lawsuits and sins
٣٩. فإني أرى غيباً بأني مُضَيَّعٌ
وكسبي منَ الحكمِ الخصوماتِ والوزرُ
40. Residing in farmland, neighbored by a company
Their faces are dust and their clothes red
٤٠. مقيماً بأرضِ الحرثِ جاراً لمعشرٍ
وجوههمُ غُبْرٌ وأثوابُهُمْ حمرُ
41. They see good that they were not promoted
And people of status have no status to them
٤١. يرون جميلاً أنهم لم يرفعوا
وليسَ لأهلِ القدرِ عندهمُ قدرُ
42. Whenever a group of them entered Al-Shahba
For their tasks, thoughts preoccupy me
٤٢. متى دخلَ الشهباءَ منهم جماعةٌ
لأشغالهمْ يخلو بخاطريَ الفكرُ
43. I say perhaps they harbored a conspiracy
Hoping for my deviation or betrayal appeared to them
٤٣. أقولُ عساهم أضمروا لي مكيدةً
لعلَّ انحرافاً أو بدا لهمُ غدرُ
44. That is not for a sin I committed but
My honor is temptation to litigate anew
٤٤. وما ذاكَ عنْ ذنبٍ جنيتُ وإنما
عنانيَ عرضٌ عنْ مرافعةٍ بكرُ
45. It is deserved for my like to protect my honor
For it is - thanks to God - impeccably pure
٤٥. وحُقَّ لمثلي صونُ عرضي فإنَّهُ
نقي بحمدِ اللهِ ما شانَهُ غَمْرُ
46. They are all pleased with me and mention me
With goodness, but if I misbehave they would not settle
٤٦. وكلهمُ راضٍ عليَّ وذاكري
بخيري ولكنْ لو عبثتُ لما قرُّوا
47. No good is in the man's money without his honor
No livelihood in life if mention is disgraced
٤٧. ولا خيرَ في مالِ الفتى بعدَ عرضِهِ
ولا عيشَ في الدنيا إذا قبَّحَ الذكرُ
48. With the train of the Raafi’i I held steadfast
So remoteness from his door certainly saddened me
٤٨. بِذَيْلِ بديلِ الرافعي تَمَسُّكي
فقد مسَّني للبعدِ عن بابِهِ الضرُّ
49. I am weary of flattering evildoers in the world
And I knew the judge is a rough mountain
٤٩. سئمتُ مداراةَ الأراذلِ في الورى
وقدْ بانَ لي أنَّ القضا جبلٌ وعرُ
50. Partner of evils, not joys, I forgot what
I had memorized, and from what I had collected, I refrain
٥٠. شريكُ شرورٍ لا سرورٍ نسيتُ ما
حفظْتُ ومما كنتُ حصَّلْتُ أجترُّ
51. Those who were behind me have preceded me and my
Negligence saddened me, but this is what the dutiful do
٥١. تقدَّمني مَنْ كانَ خلفي وساءَني
خمولي ولكنْ هكذا يفعلُ البَرُّ
52. I was tested by the hardship of authority since my youth
Does the hardship elevate by the maturity of hardship?
٥٢. بُليتُ بحجرِ الحكمِ منْ زمنِ الصِّبا
فهلْ بكمالِ الحجرِ يرتفعُ الحجرُ
53. I am pleased to approach authority
And be dismissed from it, no sin or reward
٥٣. على أنني راضٍ بأنْ أليَ القضا
وأُعزلَ عنهُ لا أثامٌ ولا أجرُ
54. If it is said a judge in Iraq encountered
Such, I thought it was me and panic took hold
٥٤. لئنْ زادَ مالُ المرءِ معْ نَقْصِ علمِهِ
فذلكَ خسرٌ لا يقابلُهُ خُسرُ
55. If one of you approached me, he recoiled
As the sparrow recoiled, wetted by the rain
٥٥. أيا أوحدَ الإسلامِ إني معوِّلٌ
عليكَ وما المملوكُ في قصدِهِ غرُّ
56. The nature of the chaste is not to love position
But to heal his enviers through it is bitter
٥٦. فوجهُكَ إنْ قابلتُهُ أو رأيتُهُ
يكونُ لقلبي بالمقابلةِ الجبرُ
57. From God’s gifts I have without any of this self-sufficiency
If this ordeal remains with me, what is the excuse?
٥٧. أقلني منَ الأحكامِ في البرِّ محسناً
إليَّ بفصلي عَنْهُ يا مَنْ هو البحْرُ
58. I sufficed so I left the star in status below me
And never does fear of poverty exist with wealth, it is poverty
٥٨. ففي القلبِ مِنْ نيلِ الفروعِ ببابكم
أصولُ اشتياقٍ حَمْلُ أغصانِها جمرُ
59. In me is a remainder to pursue knowledge
So no arrogance deters me or arrogance
٥٩. شُغِلْتُ بحبِّ العلمِ عن رفعةِ القضا
أيلوي على الأصدافِ مَنْ قصدُهُ الدرُّ
60. You see the rulers other than you, if they
Saw an intelligent one, their estrangement was his lot
٦٠. تعجَّبَ قومٌ كيفَ أترك منصبي
وأرفضُهُ عمداً وما أنا مضطرُّ
61. They spurn him with the pretext of his laziness
So he wakes up dead and loss is his grave
٦١. وقالوا ترى مَنْ حلَّ في رتبةِ القضا
وفارقَها حتى يواريَهُ القبرُ
62. One like you is not pleased for my like in villages
And the soul has needs and in my master is duty
٦٢. أرى العلمَ أعلى رتبةً لي منَ القضا
ولو لم يكنْ إلا فوائدُكَ الزهرُ
63. So present them, for you a dewy Arab poem
Scion of Bakri, for you their love is a dowry
٦٣. وأنتَ خبيرٌ بالقضاءِ وعسرِهِ
ألا فلعلَّ العسْرَ يتبعُهُ اليُسْرُ
64. Had I not attributed, it would not be hidden
From the intelligent that pearl originates in sea
٦٤. إذا قيلَ قاضٍ بالعراقِ جرى له
كذا خلتُ أني ذاكَ واستحكمَ الذعرُ
65. I am no panegyrist, nor is poetry my craft
But to perfect the soul, my prose is poetry
٦٥. وإنْ قاصدٌ منكمْ أتاني فانثنى
كما انتفضَ العصفورُ بللهُ القطرُ
66. If man was reasonable, he would not dedicate a praise poem
To you, and is a praise offered to barren date palm?
٦٦. طباعُ عفيفٍ لا يرى حبَّ منصبٍ
ولكنْ تشفِّي حاسديهِ بهِ مرُّ
67. You remained by survival of favors and attained what
Hoped for what the full moon brought out from the darkness
٦٧. ولي مِنْ هباتِ اللهِ عَنْ كلِّ ذا غنى
وإنْ دامَ بي هذا العناءُ فما العذرُ
68. So preserve me from authority in kindness
By dismissing me from it, oh one who is the sea
٦٨. قنعتُ فخلتُ النجمَ دوني رتبةً
وهيهاتَ خوفُ الفقرِ عندَ الغنى فقرُ
69. For in the heart from obtaining jurisprudence at your door
Are passionate principles, its branches bearing embers
٦٩. وفيَّ لتحصيلِ العلومِ بقيةٌ
فلا كبرٌ عنها يصدُّ ولا كِبْرُ
70. I was busy loving knowledge away from the prestige of authority
Does one intending pearl tread on shells?
٧٠. ومالي أرى الحكامَ غيرَكَ إنْ رأوا
ذكياً فأوفى حظِّهِ منهمُ الهجرُ
71. Some wondered how I leave my position
And reject it intentionally while not coerced
٧١. يولُّونَهُ في البرِّ قصدَ خمولِهِ
فيصبحُ ميِّتاً والضياعُ له قَبْرُ
72. They said, has one who held the position of judge
And left it been seen until the grave hides him?
٧٢. ومثلُكَ لا يرضى لمثليَ بالقُرى
وفي النفسِ حاجاتٌ وفي سيدي جبرُ
73. I see knowledge a higher position for me than authority
Even if only your blossoming benefits
٧٣. فدونكها ورديةٌ عربيةٌ
سليلةَ بكريٍّ لها ودُّكمْ مَهْرُ
74. You are expert in judging and its difficulty
Perhaps the difficulty is followed by ease
٧٤. ولو أنني لم أنتسبْ ما خفِي على
ذكيٍّ بأنَّ الدرَّ معدنُهُ البحرُ
75. If it is said a judge in Iraq encountered
Such, I thought it was me and alarm took hold
٧٥. ولستُ بمدَّاحٍ ولا الشعرُ حرفتي
بلى لكمالِ النفسِ نظميَ النثرُ
76. When one of you turns to me, he recoils
As the sparrow recoiled, wetted by the rain
٧٦. ولو عَقَلَ الإنسانُ لم يهدِ مدحةً
إليكَ وهل يُهدى إلى هجرٍ تمرُ
77. The nature of the chaste does not see love of position
But healing his enviers through it is bitter
٧٧. بقيتَ بقاءَ المكرماتِ ونلتَ ما
تؤمِّلُهُ ما لاحَ في الظُّلَمِ البدرُ