1. Is this a warning king who has come for mankind,
Or the rising of good fortune dispelling sorrow?
١. أمنذرٌ ملكٌ قد جاء للبشر
أم طالع السعد وافى داحض الكدر
2. Or the light of dawn erasing the darkness of gloom,
Or the giver of glad tidings who has come with the best news?
٢. أم ضوء صبحٍ يلاشي ظلمةً دهمت
أم البشير أتى في أطيب الخبر
3. Or a physician who has approached to heal our ailments,
Or has Gabriel arrived with victory and triumph?
٣. أم ذا طبيبٌ دنا يشفي لعلتنا
أم أقبل الحبر جبرائيل بالظفر
4. The unique, hardworking, distinguished man in whom
Virtues that none combined in mortals have shone,
٤. العالم العامل الفرد الذي سطعت
فيه فضائل ما جمعن في بشر
5. And by whom the stars have become radiant and proud,
And through his wisdom have become cautious.
٥. ومذ أضاءت به الشهباء وافتخرت
فيه ومن رشده أمست على حذر
6. So it has become a paradise from what he has poured into it
Of eloquent meaningful innovative speech.
٦. فأصبحت جنة مما أفاض بها
من حسن منطقه بالمعنى مبتكر
7. And from the darkness of ignorance when it covered
With determination and wisdom like a drawn sword.
٧. ومن جلا لظلام الجهل حين دجا
بالعزم والحزم شبه الصارم الذكر
8. Solving a complex issue, clarifying a dilemma,
Criticizing laziness with taste and insight.
٨. حلال مشكلةٍ كشاف معضلةٍ
نقاد عاطلةٍ بالذوق والنظر
9. The decisive speaker whose narration is never wrong,
The virtuous devoted one pure from murkiness.
٩. القائل الفصل لم تخطئ روايته
والفاضل المخلص الصافي من الكدر
10. Since he has become for mankind thresholds blocking
The refuge of the destitute and savior of the wary.
١٠. مذ أصبحت للورى أعتاب سدته
ملجا العفاة ومنجي الخلائف الحذر
11. You meet him with a bright smile and he is smiling
With speech that is more beautiful than splendor.
١١. يلقاك طلق المحيا وهو مبتسمٌ
بمنطقٍ خلته أبهى من الشذر
12. He has virtues like flowers of a meadow,
So it is natural for the likes of you to make excuses for shortcomings.
١٢. له مزايا كزهر الروض مقصرةً
فشأن مثلك ينفي العيب بالعذر
13. And cover, O you who have neglected poetry for a time
Preoccupied from it, overwhelmed by contemplation’s concerns.
١٣. واستر قاني تركت الشعر من زمنٍ
لشاغلٍ عنه غشى مقلة الفكر
14. And if you have been silent in eloquent speech
You are adorned with a necklace of pearls in praise.
١٤. وإن تكن من بليغ القول عاطلةً
فقد تحلت بعقد المدح كالدرر