1. Praise be to the Lord who gave respite to His servants
From the evil of that tyrannical injustice
١. حمداً لربٍ قد أراح عبيده
من شر ذاك الظلم الجبار
2. Joy has returned with his death
And with it the end of oppression and sorrows
٢. قد عاد تجديد السرور بموته
وبه زوال الضيم والأكدار
3. With the death of the criminal transgressor
Executioner of the necks of the scholars
٣. بمنية الجاني الأثيم المعتدي
لرقاب أصناف الملا جزار
4. His death came in the month of Muharram
In which the order of God, the Creator, took place
٤. وافى منيته بشهر محرمٍ
فيه جرى أمر الإله الباري
5. In the conquests of that, its date was realized
The damned one rolls in Hellfire forever
٥. في فتوح ذلك حقق تاريخه
يكبو اللعين مخلداً بالنار