
Joy has arrived and hope is restored,

وافى السرور وصح ترجيح الأمل

1. Joy has arrived and hope is restored,
With the death of an evil that has no equal.

١. وافى السرور وصح ترجيح الأمل
بهلاك علجٍ لا يعادله مثل

2. The eye of disasters, oppressions and ruin,
The worst of worlds if you think or act.

٢. عين المآثم والمظالم والردى
شر العوالم إن تفكر أو عمل

3. His name is a lie, no speaker praises him,
If he was clothed in equality he pretended.

٣. كذب اسمه لا يحمدنه ناطقٌ
إذا كان في ثوب المساوي قد رفل

4. A butcher named virtues slaughterer,
Guided, but reveling in vice.

٤. جزار سمي للفضائل جازراً
مهدي ولكن بالرذائل محتفل

5. His life was oppression then plague,
And famine and injustice that cannot be endured.

٥. بحياته كان الغلا ثم الوبا
والقحط والجور الذي لا يحتمل

6. And by his death, sorrow departed. How wonderful,
This fate, the transgression and terror have vanished.

٦. وبموته زال العنا يا حبذا
هذا المنى غبا التعدي والوجل

7. The destined has met a king who pulls him violently,
The torrents of destruction in an eternal hell.

٧. حاز المقدر عند ملكٍ يجتدى
فيض المهالك في جحيمٍ لم يزل

8. God bless you oh death! Life has appeared from you,
And your rule has become good and balanced.

٨. للَه درك يا منون لقد بدت
منك الحياة وطاب حكمك واعتدل

9. People have won and chronicled with purpose,
The wretched has perished and to hell travelled.

٩. فاز الأنام وأرخوه بمقصدٍ
هلك الشقي وإلى جهنم قد رحل