
The unique one of the age, our emancipator Maulana

فريد العصر مولانا المفدى

1. The unique one of the age, our emancipator Maulana
The bearer of good tidings, the beauty of perfection

١. فريد العصر مولانا المفدى
بشير الأمن زينه الجمال

2. All praises are gathered in him, for
The moon bowed to the light of his radiance

٢. وجمعت المحامد فيه حتى
لنور شهابه سجد الهلال

3. And when he revealed his face resplendently
He proclaimed: Let fall the backs of perfection

٣. ومذ أبدى محياه عذاراً
فنادى أرخوا ظهر الكمال