
You have tried to shed our blood for too long

أحاولتم كيما تطلوا دماءنا

1. You have tried to shed our blood for too long
And even if you are heedless, Allah is never heedless

١. أَحاوَلتُم كيما تُطِلّوا دِماءَنا
وَإِن تَغفُلوا فاللَّهُ لَيسَ بِغافِلِ

2. The neighing of horses did not stop until it led you
With your necks shackled in chains

٢. وَما زالَ كَرُّ الخَيلِ حَتّى أَقادَكُم
مُغَلغَلةً أَعناقُكُم في السَّلاسلِ

3. We walked and leveled the graves so they became
A barrier for their distinguished offspring

٣. مَشَينا فَسَوّينا القُبورَ فأَصبَحَت
لَها حاجِزٌ عَن نَسلِها المُتَفاضِلِ

4. Did any tribe precede you more deserving of devastation
That you seek to annihilate it along with the other tribes

٤. وَهَل سَبَقَتنا قَبلَكُم مِن قَبيلَةٍ
بوِترٍ فَتَقتاسوا بإِحدى القَبائِلِ