1. When the camels' loads appeared to you
You thought them always to be a gentle, restrained doe
١. لَما تَخايَلت الحُمولُ حَسبتَها
دَوماً بأَيلَةَ ناعِماً مَكموما
2. O you who twists his head, the long-necked one
To lead a company of people from Hejaz
٢. يا أَيُّها السَّدِمُ المُلوِّي رأسَه
ليَقودَ مِن أَهلِ الحِجازِ بَريما
3. Do you want Amr ibn Al-Khalid and his followers?
Kab would be there if you found him downcast
٣. أَتُريد عَمرَو بن الخَليعِ وَدونهُ
كَعبٌ إِذاً لَوَجَدتَهُ مَرؤوما
4. Surely Al-Khalid and his comrades in Aamir
Are like a heart clothed in armor and leather
٤. إِنَّ الخَليعَ وَرهطَهُ في عامِرٍ
كالقَلبِ أُلبِسَ جُؤجُؤا وَحَزيما
5. Do not hasten to Rabia for they
Have gathered a large force for the enemy
٥. لا تسرعَنَّ إِلى رَبيعةَ إِنَّهُم
جَمَعوا سَواداً لِلعدوِّ عَظيما
6. A people divided from a united whole
I turned aside, loyal and steadfast
٦. شَعباً تَفَرَّقَ مِن جِماعٍ واحِدٍ
عَدلت مَعدّاً تابِعاً وَصَميما
7. Do not attack the clan of Mutarrif
Never unjust or oppressed
٧. لا تَغزوَنَّ الدَّهرَ آل مُطَرِّفٍ
لا ظالِماً أَبَداً وَلا مَظلوما
8. So aim your spear, if you tread their land
You will meet their virginity a difficult task
٨. فاقصِد بِذرعِكَ لَو وَطئتَ بِلادَهُم
لاقَت بكارَتُكَ الحِقاقُ قُروما
9. And the regiments of Ibn Mutarrif will alternate against you
And show you at dawn like stars
٩. وَتَعاقبتكَ كَتائِب ابن مُطَرِّفٍ
فأَرَتكَ في وَضحِ الصَّباحِ نُجوما
10. A people whose horses' reins are between their houses
And blue spears that you imagine as stars
١٠. قَومٌ رِباطُ الخَيلِ وَسطَ بيوتِهِم
وأَسِنَّةٌ زُرقٌ تُخال نُجوما
11. With Al-Mukhariq's shirt stripped off him
Appearing amidst the houses in shyness
١١. وَمخرقٍ عَنهُ القَميصُ تَخالُهُ
وَسطَ البيوتِ مِنَ الحَياءِ سَقيما
12. Until the banner is raised you will see him
Beneath the banner on Thursday a leader
١٢. حَتّى إِذا رُفِعَ اللواءُ رأَيتَهُ
تَحتَ اللواءِ عَلى الخَميسِ زَعيما
13. And if you wish you will find among them a deterrent
Settled in anger against the enemy
١٣. وإِذا تَشاءُ وَجَدت مِنهُم مانِعاً
فَلِجاً عَلى سُخطِ العَدوّ مُقيما
14. Or a youth judging the like of him
The baldness of men has inherited judgment
١٤. أَو ناشِئاً حَدثاً تُحَكِّمَ مِثلَهُ
صُلعُ الرِّجالِ تَوارثَ التَّحكيما
15. You will not be able to change their glory
Unless you change the constant blowing wind
١٥. لَن تَستَطيعَ بأَن تُحَوِّلَ عِزَّهُم
حَتّى تُحَوِّلَ ذا الضَّبابِ يَسوما
16. If they make peace with you, leave them be
And sleep, for sleep is enough bliss for you
١٦. إِن سالموكَ فَدَعهُمُ مِن هَذِهِ
وارقُد كَفى لَكَ بِالرُّقادِ نَعيما