1. Death left before youthfulness,
And after hardship, a great destiny.
١. لَقَد غادَرَ المَوتُ قَبلَ الصَّفا
وَبَعدَ المشقر قَدراً جَليلا
2. How sweet were his manners,
Bitter and difficult to appease.
٢. كَثيراً حَلاوةُ أَخلاقِهِ
شَديدَ المَرارةِ صَعباً ذَلولا
3. You disappointed the ally at the chalice of pigeons,
And you were not, O son of Umayr, disappointing.
٣. خَذلتَ الوَليَّ لِكأسِ الحِمامِ
وَلَم تك يا ابنَ عُمَيرٍ خَذولا
4. And which day of ours that did not give birth,
Did you orphan your children, and you were the friend.
٤. وأَيَّمتَ مِنّا الَّتي لَم تَلِد
كيتمِ بَنيك وَكُنتَ الخَليلا
5. And you were for us a impregnable mountain,
And at the station, a beautiful coldness.
٥. وَكُنتَ لَنا جَبلاً مَعقِلاً
وَعِندَ المَقامَة بُرداً جَميلاً
6. And you ransom with your money our monies,
So people do not consider us miserly.
٦. وَتفدي بِمالِكَ أَموالَنا
فَلا يَحسَبُ الناسُ فينا بَخيلا