1. Marwan restored you, his rule shall not unravel,
So long as you live, you will watch over it contentedly,
١. رَدَّكَ مَروانُ لا تُفسَخ إِمارَتُهُ
فَفيكَ راعٍ لَها ما عِشتَ سُرسورُ
2. Why has not your cold touched its fringes,
Neither Tharmada nor Sanaa could chill it,
٢. ما بالُ بَردِكَ لَم يَمسَس حَواشيَهُ
مِن ثَرمَداء وَلا صَنعاءَ تَحبيرُ
3. Had he known what you declared openly to me,
Those tails of his would not return to stir up turmoil,
٣. وَلَو دَرى أَنَّ ما جاهَرتَني ظَهَراً
ما عُدتُ ما لألأَت أَذنابَها الفُورُ
4. A mendacious hope, brother to trust,
And proceeding from the praise of truth, renowned,
٤. زَورٌ مُغِبٌّ وَمأمولٌ أَخو ثِقَةٍ
وَسائرٌ مِن ثَناءِ الصِّدقِ مَشهورُ
5. For we have no Hijaz left but well-supported,
The tongues are nimble, and the scribing pens ready,
٥. إِذ لا حِجازَ لَنا إِلا مُقَوَّمَةٌ
زُرقُ الأسِنَّةِ والجردُ المَحاضيرُ
6. A ray shines on the coward in his keeps
When the disheveled locks of hair appear to him,
٦. يُعشي الجَبانَ شُعاعٌ في قوانِسها
إِذا تَجلّلَها الشُّعث المَغاويرُ
7. People have abandoned us in our dwellings
Striking the heads in which are the little birds,
٧. قَد نَكَّلَ النّاسَ عنّا في مَواطِننا
ضَربُ الرؤوسِ التي فيها العَصافيرُ
8. When its latticed windows please one exultant
From the dust that buried the gales in them.
٨. إِذا سَنابِكُها أَثرنَ مُغتَبَطاً
مِنَ التُّرابِ كبت فيها الأَعاصيرُ