1. The rabab's melancholy is like a swift she-camel,
A tenth of the dark fox's song prowling at night,
١. كَأَنَّ الرَّبابَ الدُّهمَ في سَرَعانِهِ
عِشارٌ مِن الكَلبيةِ الجونِ ظُلَّعُ
2. I brought it near to the watering places from the belly of a sandy valley,
And for the gazelle, the wolf, and the goat it lies down.
٢. أدانيهِ للأَمواهِ مِن بَطنِ بيشَةٍ
ولِلأَوقِ والسيدانِ والمَينِ يَضجَعُ
3. It is as if the flashing of lightning in its chambers
Is a battle-fire kindled in a bending tent-pole,
٣. كَأَنَّ اشتِعالَ البَرق في حجَراتِهِ
ضِرامٌ شَرى في أَيكَةٍ يَتَشَيَّعُ
4. It faded like the swooping of birds and the night was departing
With its body, and dawn had just begun to shine,
٤. خَفا كاقتِذاءِ الطَّيرِ واللَّيلُ مُدبِرٌ
بجثمانِهِ والصّبحُ قَد كادَ يَسطَعُ
5. The night grew dark and its darkness intensified
As the blazing fire intensified in the forest,
٥. دَجا اللَّيلُ واستَنَّ استناناً زَفيفُهُ
كَما استَنَّ في الغابِ الحَريقُ المُشَعشِعُ
6. It was sated with fresh water from two seas
As the young gazelle settled in the meadow,
٦. تَروّى مِنَ البَحرينِ عوذَ رَمِيَّةٍ
كَما استربعَ البَزَّ القِطارُ المُطَبَّعُ
7. Oh, what is wrong with my eyes - no, your father's -
When Layla is remembered, they begin to tear,
٧. أَلا ما لِعَيني لا أَبا لأبيكُما
إِذا ذُكِرَت لَيلى تُرِبُّ فَتَدمَعُ
8. And what is wrong with my heart - whenever passion
Stirs for her though she is beyond its reach - it aspires,
٨. وَما لِفؤادي كُلَّما خَطَرَ الهَوى
عَلى ذاكَ فيما لا يواتيهِ يَطمَعُ
9. I find in Layla eloquent Arab poetry
Embroidered like a Yemeni cloak interwoven with patterns,
٩. أجد بِلَيلى مِدحَةً عَرَبيَةً
كَما حُبِّر البردُ اليَماني المُسَبَّعُ
10. It consoles you for what you have given or promises you its return,
Though its promise, apart from you, is of no use,
١٠. تُثِبكَ بِما أَسديتَ أَو تَرجُ وَعدَها
وَما وعدُها فيما خلا مِنكَ يَنفَعُ
11. Layla's buttocks sway like the bending of the north wind,
Disdainful of what the generous one disdains and scorns,
١١. وَلَيلى أَروجُ الجَيبَ ميّاعَة الصِّبا
أَبِيٌّ لما يأبى الكَريمُ وَتَرفَعُ
12. Her shoulders are plump and her breasts slight,
The heart, though nearly bankrupt from desire, aspires,
١٢. مُشرّفَةُ الأَعطافِ مَهضومَةُ الحَشا
بِها القَلبُ لَو تَجزيهِ بِالقرضِ مولَعُ
13. I know nothing of her apart from guesswork, and that
To her home are led spotted camels with striped necks,
١٣. وَما لي بِها عِلمٌ سوى الظنِ والَّذي
إِلى بَيتهِ تُزجى حَوافٍ وَظُلَّعُ
14. Except that I knew she is the sweet water, the merchandise
Fresh and gushing,
١٤. سوى أَنَني قَد كُنتُ أَعلَمُ أَنَها
هيَ العَذبُ والماءُ البَضاعُ المُنَقِّعُ
15. However much pleasure and bliss we found,
And we admired the holiday resort and the meadow,
١٥. وَكائن لَقينا مِن نَعيمٍ وَلَذّةٍ
وأَعجَبَنا المصطافُ والمتربعُ
16. We said: perhaps the water will increase, so we will buy,
And raise a youth who will grow and be nurtured,
١٦. وَقُلنا لَعلَّ الماءَ يَربو فَنَقتَني
وَعَلَّ غُلاماً ناشِئاً يَتَرَعرَعُ
17. Vain hopes upon vain hopes in people
Follow one another and are pursued,
١٧. أَمانيُّ عامٍ بَعدَ عامٍ تَعلَّلَت
بأَمثالِها بِالناسِ عادٌ وَتبَّعُ
18. But the world is an illusion, and you will not see
In it pleasure but that it perishes and is stripped away,
١٨. وَلَكِنَّما الدُّنيا غَرورٌ وَلا تَرى
لَها لَذةً إِلا تَبيدُ وَتُنزَعُ
19. To God belongs what is above the sky and beneath it,
To Him belongs wealth, He gives it to whom He wills and denies.
١٩. فَلِلَّهِ ما فَوقَ السَّماءِ وَتَحتَها
لَهُ المالُ يُعطي مَن يَشاءُ وَيَمنَعُ