
I have not met a maiden since she was a child

لم ألق عمرة بعد إذ هي ناشيء

1. I have not met a maiden since she was a child
She went out cloaked, wearing a waist wrapper

١. لَم أَلقَ عمرَةَ بعد إِذ هيَ ناشِيءٌ
خَرَجَت مُعَطَّفةً عَليها مِئزَرُ

2. Aqila came out, led by four white-faced ones
With faces like young ostriches

٢. بَرَزَت عَقيلةَ أَربَعٍ هادَينَها
بيضَ الوجوهِ كأَنَّهنَّ العُنقُرُ

3. With your mind went a curled lock of hair
Which would be gifted if you were aware

٣. ذهبت بعقلِكَ رَيطَةٌ مَطويَّةٌ
وَهيَ التي تُهدى بِها لَو تَشعُرُ

4. So I intended to approach her unveiled
And the unveiled approach maidens like her

٤. فَهَمَمتُ أَن أَغشى إِلَيها مَحجِراً
وَلِمثلها يُغشى إِلَيهِ المَحجِرُ

5. You are in the abode of kings while our people
Are neighbors to us in the valley, echoes and donkeys

٥. أَنتُم بِجابيةِ المُلوكِ وأَهلُنا
بِالجَوفِ جيرتنا صُداءُ وَحميرُ

6. So if I come to you I will come pretending
And if I fall short, how forced my falling short is

٦. فَلَئن بَلَغتُ لأَبلغن مُتَكَلِّفاً
وَلَئن قَصَرتُ لَكارِهاً ما أَقصُرُ

7. He swoops down, disheveled, his garment worn out
Anxiety keeps him awake through the night

٧. يَهوي بأَشعَثَ قَد وَهى سِربالُهُ
بَعثٍ تؤرِّقُه الهمومُ فَيَسهَرُ

8. And when the camels bellow, you see him
Like a solitary mountain the rainy clouds pour on

٨. وإِذا احزأَلا في المُناخِ رأَيتَهُ
كالطَّودِ أَفردهُ العَماء المُمطِرُ

9. With smooth flat ground, as if emblems
Would leap forth if they emerged from it

٩. بِسواءِ مَجمعة كأَنَّ أَمارةً
مِنها إِذا بَرَزَت فَنيقٌ يَخطرُ

10. And you see the morning as if a prayer niche in it
A bay horse carrying a sword-bearing man

١٠. وَتَرى الصَّباحَ كأَنَّ فيهِ مُصلِتاً
بِالسَّيفِ يَحمِلُهُ حِصانٌ أَشقَر

11. Generous, a shelter; and Adam, an arbiter
Like following rain and thunder showers

١١. أُجُدٌ مداخلةٌ وآدَمُ مُصلِقٌ
كَبداءُ لاحِقةِ الرَّحا وَشَميذَرُ