1. In it is a white, sociable doe,
A red deer with elegant attire,
١. وَفيهنَ بَيضاءُ دارِيّةٌ
دَهاسٌ مُعنّنةُ المُرتَدى
2. With two arms of splendorous eyes,
Looking up to the branch and high tresses.
٢. بِعطفين من عَوهَجٍ عَينُها
إِلى الفرعِ والخَصَلات العُلا
3. I took an agreeable companion,
Autumn eve's harvest, dawn's provision,
٣. أَخَذتُ قُرَينَةَ مُلتاحَةً
قطوفَ العَشيِّ مِزاقَ الضُّحى
4. News she conveys with whistles
From the eye of earth's wind-blown garb,
٤. بُكوراً تُبَلِّغُها بِالسِّبا
لِ مِن عَينِ جَبَّةَ ريحِ الثَّرى
5. Frightened, shadows transform into figures,
Hearing what cannot be seen.
٥. مُروَّعةً تَستَحيلُ الشخوصُ
مِنَ الخَوفِ تَسمَعُ ما لا تَرى
6. When sleepy, two twinklers
Rush her blink with revelation.
٦. لَها مَلمعانِ إِذا أَوغَفا
يَحُثّانِ جؤجؤها بِالوَحى
7. In each face she has a refuge,
In each face she has a meadow.
٧. وَفي كُلِّ وَجهٍ لها مَيفَعٌ
وَفي كُلِّ وَجهٍ لَها مُرتَعى
8. I've not seen a storyteller like her,
Nor the like of what she did in guidance.
٨. فَلَم أَر راويَةً مِثلها
وَلا مِثل ما فَعَلت في الهُدى
9. With her walks an estimable gray,
Seeking water to quench its thirst.
٩. تقدمها شحشح جائِز
لماء قعير يُريد الهُدى
10. Clamoring, complaining of a deserter,
Progeny of three, despised by land,
١٠. هَميجٌ تَعلَّلُ عَن خاذِلٍ
نَتيجِ ثَلاثٍ بَغيضِ الثَّرى
11. Hunting company with its misleading,
An oracle it answered with incantation.
١١. تَصيدُ الجَليسَ بأَزيانِها
وَدلٍّ أَجابَت عَليهِ الرُّقى