
A mother donkey and her filly decorate themselves,

جلبانة ورهاء تخصي حمارها

1. A mother donkey and her filly decorate themselves,
With hoofs that injure those who wish them good.

١. جُلُبّانَةٌ وَرهاءُ تَخصي حمارَها
بِفي مَن بَغى خَيراً إِليها الجَلامِدُ

2. A she-ass neither ridden at the front or back,
Nor worked at the olive press with the cattle.

٢. عُرَيبِيةٌ لا ناحضٌ مِن قَدامَةٍ
وَلا مُعصِرٌ تَجري عَليها القَلائِدُ

3. Always tightening her belt against hardship,
Tough, keeping her legs folded beneath her.

٣. إِزاءُ مَعاشٍ لا يَزالُ نِطاقُها
شَديداً وَفيها سَورَةٌ وَهيَ قاعِدُ

4. Her fetlocks are interwoven on every toe,
With plaits running down both legs from each.

٤. مُداخَلَةُ الأَرساغِ في كلِّ إِصبَعٍ
من الرجل مِنها واليَدين زَوائِدُ

5. When her anklets appear it's as though they were
A washed stream bed smoothed by the running brook.

٥. كأَن مَكانَ العِقدِ مِنها إِذا بَدا
صفاً مِنَ حَزيزٍ سهَّلَتهُ الموارِدُ

6. Years passed over her, mocking,
Then came one that revived men and was unique.

٦. تَتابَعَ أَعوامٌ عَليها هَزَلنَها
وأَقبلَ عامٌ يُنعِشُ النّاسَ واحِدُ

7. Old but lasting, hardy,
With a guardian watching over her, his advice intent.

٧. عَضَمَّرةٌ فيها بقاءٌ وَشِدَّةٌ
وَوالٍ لَها بادي النَّصيحَةِ جاهِدُ

8. When the noble ladies came, swords flashing,
Uncontrolled, with no chief to guide them.

٨. إِذا ما دعا أَجيادَ جاءت خَناجِرٌ
لَهاميمُ لا يَمشي إِليهن قائِدُ

9. She brought forth, following religious law,
Hands all smeared from the birthing fluid.

٩. فَجاءَت بِمعيوفِ الشَّريعَةِ مُكلِعٍ
أُرِسّت عَليهِ بِالأَكفِّ السَّواعِدُ

10. Her teats continued dripping milk, until
She seemed a hired hand whose absence they resented.

١٠. فَما زالَ يُسقي المَحضَ حَتى كأَنّهُ
أَجيرُ أُناسٍ أَغضَبوهُ مُباعدُ

11. Then she brought one whose crossing she announced by her trot,
And he lived until it was said he would never die.

١١. فَجاءَت بِذي أَونَين أُعبِرَ شاتُهُ
وَعُمر حَتى قيلَ هَل هوَ خالِدُ

12. She pampered him until he rounded out, as though
He was a foal from Turkey's horses stabled on the hill.

١٢. وَغرّرَه حَتى استَدارَ كأَنَّهُ
عَلى القَروِ عُلفوفٌ مِن التُّركِ راقِدُ

13. When she had trained him and taught him manners, she sang,
"All things perish, but Allah does not."

١٣. فَلمّا أَدى واستَربَعته تَرنَّمت
أَلا كلُّ شيءٍ ما خَلا اللَّهَ بائِدُ

14. She tasted him gently beneath the coverings, and it delighted her
To hear his soft groans, though she was fully sated.

١٤. فَذاقَتهُ مِن تَحتِ اللِّفافِ فَسرَّها
جَراجِرُ مِنهُ وَهوَ ملآنُ سانِدُ

15. If he inclined away, toward Iraq, she turned his head
Toward her chest, pulling the reins against his neck.

١٥. إِذا مالَ مِن نَحو العراقي أَمَّرَهُ
إِلى نَحرِها مِنهُ عِنانٌ مناكِدُ

16. He would lean toward his wild side, and she
Inclined him to her gentle, human, domesticated nature.

١٦. يَميلُ عَلى وَحشيّه فيُميلُهُ
لإِنسيه مِنها عِراكٌ مناجِدُ

17. When night revealed itself to them and she saw
The distant stars shining in night's dome,

١٧. فَلمّا تَجلّى اللَّيلُ عَنها وأَبصَرَت
وَفي سُدَف اللَّيلِ الشُّخوصُ الأَباعِدُ

18. She was told, "Come, rouse yourself and hurry!
Rival the moaning doves before the other hens respond!"

١٨. يُقالُ لَها جِدّي هَوَيتِ وَبادِري
غِناءَ الحَمامِ أَن تَميعَ المَزايِدُ

19. She snapped her yellow plaits against his flank
Answering his call, enticing and inviting him.

١٩. فَعضّت تَراقيهِ بصَفراءَ جَعدَةٍ
فَعَنها تُصاديهِ وَعنها تُراوِدُ

20. She led him on an unlucky, cold night
To meet her lover Abu Khushkhush while the night was cold.

٢٠. تأوَّبها في لَيلِ نَحسٍ وَقِرَّةٍ
خَليلي أَبو الخَشخاشِ واللَّيلُ بارِدُ

21. He came to her and she said, "You would trick me
out of my food! There should be distance between us!"

٢١. فَقامَ يُصاديها فَقالَت تُريدُني
عَلى الزّادِ شَكلٌ بَينَنا مُتَباعِدُ

22. When he said "Wait!" she looked at him sadly
With blazing blue eyes untouched by his entreaty.

٢٢. إِذا قالَ مَهلاً أَسجِحي حَملَقت لَهُ
بِزرقاءَ لَم تَدخُل عَليها المراودُ

23. As though the stones of her hooves were the old
rough rock split by the running brooks.

٢٣. كأَن حِجاجَي رأَسِها في مثلَّمٍ
مِنَ الصَّخرِ جَونٍ خَلَّقته المواردُ

24. When the three month old foal rivaled his mother,
She returned to her stall, moaning for her absent one.

٢٤. إِذا الحَملُ الرِّبعِي عارضَ أُمَّه
عَدَت وَكَرى حَتّى تحنّ الفراقدُ

25. She stood for a time in the night, an hour
Gladdened by the glow-worms while the mourners slept.

٢٥. فَقامَت بِأثناءٍ مِنَ اللَّيلِ ساعةً
سَراها الدَّواهي واستنامَ الخرائِدُ

26. The women of the tribe came crowding round
With the skulls of titanic beasts bared by the elegies.

٢٦. فَظَلَّ نِساءُ الحيِّ يَحشون كُرسُفاً
رؤوسَ عظامٍ أَوضحتها القَصائِدُ

27. She brought forth one whose roar was like
The rumbling thunder answered by lightning's brilliant veins.

٢٧. وَجاءَت بِضِئنِيٍّ كأَنَّ دَوِيَّه
تَرنمُ رَعدٍ جاوَبته الرَّواعِدُ