1. Lips that unveiled a rosebud's blush,
Or clouds that smiled to reveal a flush,
١. أَلثامٌ شفَّ عَن وردٍ ندِ
أَم غمامٌ ضحكت عَن بَرَدِ
2. On her dress's buttons, moonlight's glow
Shone on a slender, swaying rush.
٢. أَم عَلى الأَزرارِ مِن حُلَّتها
بَدرُ تمٍّ في قَضيبٍ أَملَدِ
3. By her softness, if it were but moved
To show pity, it would conquer death.
٣. بِأَبي لِينٌ لَهُ لَو أَنَّهُ
نُقلت عِطفَتُه للخَلَدِ
4. Not mere glances of a sorceress
Who breathed enchantment, not on gems, but souls.
٤. لا وَأَلحاظٍ لَها ساحِرَة
نَفَثَت في القَلبِ لا في العُقدِ
5. Nor would I, wronged, seek vengeance on her,
When I'm the killer of myself by my own hand.
٥. لا طَلَبتُ الثَأرَ مِنها ظالِماً
وَأَنا القاتلُ نَفسي بِيَدي
6. My eyes looked at her in a moment's glance,
That took my soul and left my body bare.
٦. نَظَرت عَيني لِحَيني نَظرةً
أَخَذت روحي وَخلَّت جسدي
7. Give it here, by God, in its sweetness,
Coffee wherein lies cure for all cares.
٧. هاتها بِاللَه في مَرضاتِها
قَهوةً فيها شفاءُ الكمدِ
8. It was pressed gently in youth's season,
And it casts musk, not mere dregs.
٨. عُصِرت بِاللُطفِ في عَصرِ الصِبا
فَرمت بِالمسكِ لا بِالزبدِ
9. Its waitress knows not, in her cup,
That it's like lightning set ablaze.
٩. ما دَرى مديرُها في كَأسِها
وَهيَ مثلُ البارِقِ المتّقدِ
10. A pearl held fast to a ruby,
Or pure wine in a crystal case.
١٠. دُرّةٌ ضمَّت عَلى ياقوتةٍ
أَم لجينٌ فيهِ ثَوبٌ عسجدي
11. Serve it unsweetened, for I profess
Reason and faith free of heresy.
١١. سقّني غَيرَ مُليمٍ إِنّني
حَنفيُّ الرَأي وَالمعتقدِ
12. In sugar I see nothing but passion,
Or gifts from the lauded king to me.
١٢. لا أَرى بالسُكرِ إِلّا من هوى
أو هِبات الملك المُؤيَّدِ
13. King of the Highest, though I sing his praises,
If I pronounced the L, I would not lie.
١٣. مَلِكُ العَليا وَلَو أَنصفتُهُ
فَفَتحتُ اللام لَم أُفنَّدِ