
The sons of Nahshal yesterday were wolves,

أمسى بنو نهشل نيان دونهم

1. The sons of Nahshal yesterday were wolves,
Feeding the son of their neighbor when hungry,

١. أَمسى بَنو نَهشَلٍ نَيّانُ دونَهمُ
المُطعِمونَ اِبنَ جارِهِم إِذا جاعا

2. As if after them Zayd Manat were sheep
And the shepherds shouted at them to descend to the valley,

٢. كَأَنَّ زَيدَ مَناةَ بَعدَهُم غَنَمٌ
صاحَ الرِعاءُ بِها أَن تَهبِطَ القاعا

3. Convey to the sons of Nahshal from me a message
That protection after them and the gap are lost.

٣. أَبلِغ بَني نَهشَلٍ عَنّي مُغَلغَلَةً
أَنَّ الحِمى بَعدَهُم وَالثَغرَ قَد ضاعا