1. She is excused in her abandonment, for her beauty
Like a full moon hanging on threads of dew
١. ومَعْذورَةً في هَجْرِها لِجَمالِها
كَبَدْرٍ عَلى خُوطٍ مِنَ البانِ مائِدِ
2. I yearn for her love though grey hairs betray me
She left me while youth still aids me
٢. أَرومُ هَواها والمَشيبُ مُحالِفي
وقَدْ هَجَرَتْني والشَّبابُ مُساعِدي
3. He who knows life holds its joys lightly
Even if its beauty paraded in fine robes
٣. ومَنْ عَرَفَ الدُّنْيا اسْتَقَلَّ سُرورَها
ولَوْ بَرَزَتْ مِنْ حُسْنِها في مَجاسِدِ
4. The polished sword of the mind strikes you with its view
When sights no longer captivate like witnesses
٤. صَقيلُ حُسَامِ الفِكْرِ يَلْقاكَ رَأْيُهُ
لمّا غابَ عَنْ أَلْحاظِهِ كَالمُشاهِدِ
5. Passion aroused only when we drew apart
As the ribs keep their distance from the arms
٥. وما شَهِدَ الهَيْجاءَ إِلاّ تَباعَدَتْ
مَسافَةُ ما بَيْنَ الكُلَى والسَّواعِدِ
6. Its ardour supported by a grieving, escorted heart
And a smile weeping the tears of farewell
٦. يُؤَازِرُهُ في الرَّوْعِ قَلْبٌ مُشَيَّعٌ
ومُبْتَسِمٌ يُبْكي عُيونَ العَوائِدِ
7. I stayed awake for her while the star slept in the sky
There she is like a fleck in the hand of a critic
٧. سَهِرْتُ لَها والنَّجْمُ في الأُفُقِ نَائِمٌ
فَهاهِيَ كَالإِبْريزِ في كَفِّ ناقِدِ
8. You remained as your glories remain in the world
Above the days, never to fade
٨. بَقيتَ كَما تَبْقى مَعاليكَ في الوَرى
فَهُنَّ عَلى الأَيّامِ غَيْرُ بَوائِدِ
9. My company was blessed in Saint Sa'id's monastery
One feast day, its beauty a thousand feasts
٩. سَعِدَتْ صُحْبَتي بِدَيْرِ سَعيدِ
يَوْمَ عيدٍ في حُسْنِهِ أَلْفُ عيدِ
10. How many maidens, soft like the gazelle's throat, we plundered
Tearing their crucifixes from breast and neck
١٠. كَمْ فَتاةٍ مِثْلَ المَهاةِ سَلَبْنا
ها صَليباً مِنْ بَيْنِ نَحْرٍ وَجيدِ
11. How many tender, doe-eyed girls we stripped
Of sashes binding their slender waists
١١. وغَريرٍ مِثْلَ الغَزَالِ حَلَلْنا
عَقْدَ زُنّارِ خَصْرِهِ المَعْقودِ
12. We pitched our tents in the courtyard of the ancient
Far-flung, exalted, embellished temple
١٢. وحَطَطْنا رِحالَنا بِفِناءِ ال
هَيْكَلِ المُوَنَّقِ البَعيدِ المَشِيدِ
13. The terraces were blossoming like youths
Robed for us in embroidered silk
١٣. والرَّوابي مُشَهَّراتٌ كَغُلْما
نٍ لَنا في مُحَبَّراتِ البُرودِ
14. Cheeks were like anemones in complexion
Succeeded by cheeks like anemones in form
١٤. فَخُدودٌ مِثْلَ الشَّقائِقِ في اللو
ن تَليها شَقائِقٌ كَالخُدودِ
15. Whenever playful wit trilled through the branches
The strings accompanied it in melody
١٥. وإِذا مَا الهَزارُ غَرَّدَ في الغُصْ
نِ حَكَتْهُ الأَوْتارُ في التَّغْريدِ
16. Whoever saw us lying dead on the ground
Said, "A people without graves."
١٦. مَنْ رَآنا ونَحْنُ في الأَرْضِ صَرْعَى
قَالَ قَوْمٌ مَوْتى بِغَيْرِ لُحُودِ