
O you who resemble the full moon in beauty

يا شبيه البدر حسنا

1. O you who resemble the full moon in beauty
And in splendor and perfection

١. يا شَبيهَ البَدْرِ حُسْناً
وضياءً ومِثالا

2. And resemble the supple branch in tenderness
And in figure and proportion

٢. وشَبيهَ الغُصْنِ ليناً
وقَواماً واعْتِدالا

3. You are like a rose in color
And in fragrance and charm

٣. أَنْتَ مِثْلُ الوَرْدِ لَوْناً
ونَسيماً ومَلالا

4. You visited us until when
We were delighted by the nearness, you departed

٤. زارَنا حَتَّى إِذا ما
سَرَّنا بِالقُرْبِ زالا