
My companion closed his eyes though no drowsiness

صاح غمضت وما

1. My companion closed his eyes though no drowsiness
Had weighed his eyelids down

١. صاحِ غَمَّضْتُ وما غَمْ
مَضَ جَفْنَيَّ الهُجودُ

2. With a flash leaping up, lightning
And thunder drawing near

٢. بِبَريقٍ هَبَّ تَحْدو
هُ بُروقٌ ورُعودُ

3. A cloudburst heading for settlements
Now here, now there, diverting

٣. مُقْبِلٌ يَقْصِدُ أَحْيا
ناً وأَحْياناً يَحيدُ

4. A rain cloud where you’d think
Were confusion and darkness

٤. زَجِلٌ تَحْسَبُ في قُطْ
رَيْهِ غِيلٌ وأُسودُ

5. Though lofty in the stars, its
Base where the ground lies

٥. عُلْوُهُ في النَّجْمِ لَكِنْ
سفْلُهُ حَيْثُ الصَّعيدُ

6. For flowers and greenery both
Promise and warning in it reside

٦. فيهِ للأَزْهُرِ والرَّو
ضَةِ وَعْدٌ ووَعيدُ