1. He reveals with opinions what was problematic
Even if it was in the folds of the conscience concealed
١. ويَكْشِفُ بِالآَراءِ ما كَانَ مُشْكِلاً
ولَوْ كَانَ في طَيِّ الضَّميرِ مُكَتَّما
2. He sees shame in pulling the reins back from transgression
When the sharp criticism of the slanderer is twisted
٢. يَرى العارَ أَنْ يَثْني العَنانَ عَنْ الرَّدى
إِذا ما ثَنى الطَّعْنُ الوَشيحَ المُقْرَما
3. He returns the deceit of the arrogant torn apart
Striking and the chest of the intimidator shattered
٣. يَرُدُّ غِرارَ المشْرَفيَّ مُثَلَّماً
ضِراباً وصدَر الرّاعِبيَّ مُحَطَّما
4. And avenging until when his right hand overpowered
His enemies, it remained bestowing favor
٤. ومُنْتَقِمٍ حَتَّى إِذا ما تَمَكَّنَتْ
يَميناهُ مِنْ أَعْدائِهِ ظَلَّ مُنْعِما