1. He gambled with his soul desiring a moon,
And obtained the union of full moons.
١. قامرَ بِالنَّفْسِ في هَوى قَمَرٍ
ونالَ وَصْلَ البُدُورِ بِالبِدْرِ
2. He plucked the fruits of his amusements as pleasures,
To the evenings of wine and first draughts.
٢. وافْتَضَّ أَبْكارَ لَهْوِهِ طَرَباً
إِلى عَشايا المُدام والبُكُرِ
3. No day like this day has displayed for us
Its meadows in the month of loves.
٣. لا يَوْمَ كَاليَوْمِ أَبْرَزَتْهُ لَنا
رِياضُه في مُشْهَرِ الحِبَرِ
4. A day when the elegant time emerges from
Its beauty among the gazelles and fawns.
٤. يَوْمَ بَهيمُ الزَّمانُ يَخْطُرُ مِنْ
جَمالِهِ في الحُجولِ والغُرَرِ
5. A joy whose measure is without restraint,
And a pleasure whose purity is without turbidity.
٥. مَسَرَّةٌ كَيْلُها بِلا حَشَفٍ
ولَذَّةٌ صَفْوُها بِلا كَدَرِ
6. The tent of clouds has been pitched for us,
And the army of the breeze has been perfumed with rain.
٦. قَدْ ضُرِبَتْ خَيْمَةُ الغَمامِ لَنا
ورُشَّ جَيْشُ النَّسيمِ بِالمَطَرِ
7. With us are two red-cheeked ones like the sun,
And another yellowish like the moon.
٧. وعِنْدَنا عاتِقانِ حَمْراءَ كَالشَّمْ
سِ وأُخْرى صَفْراءَ كَالقَمَرِ
8. The elder is blamed for obvious maturity,
And the younger is blamed for obvious youth.
٨. بِكْرانِ هَذي تُعابُ بِالْكِبَرِ الْ
بادي وهَذي تُعابُ بِالصِّغَرِ
9. An aged wine whose antiquity,
Its coeval witnessed Adam, father of mankind.
٩. مُدامَةٌ كَأَنَّ مِنْ تَقادُمِها
عاصِرَها آَدَمُ أَبو البَشَرِ
10. And a girl of Khidr who shows you her image,
Like the full moon in her perfumed gown.
١٠. وبِنْتُ خِدْرٍ تُريكَ صُورَتُها
بَدْرَ الدُّجى في رِدائِها العَطِرِ
11. She bent over her lute and let loose for us,
Ambers without sparks.
١١. حَنَّتْ على عودِها وقد بَزَلَتْ
مُدامَنا جَمْرَةً بِلا شَرَرِ
12. The cupbearers hasten to us with her,
The necklaces of pearls from her soft mouth.
١٢. يَسْعى عَلَيْنا بِها الوَصَائِفُ قُلْ
لدْنَ مجوناً قَلائِدَ الزَّهَرِ
13. They adorned two ear-rings when they brought to us,
The temples' knobs and fresh pearls.
١٣. قُرّطْنَ قِرْطَيْنِ إِذْ جَلَبْنَ لَنا
مُعَقْرِباتِ الأَصْداغِ والطُّرَرِ
14. O you who forsake the scent of his day for tomorrow,
Selling the eye of happiness for a trace!
١٤. يا تارِكاً طيبَ يَوْمِهِ لِغَدٍ
تَبيعُ عَيْنَ السُّرورِ بِالأَثَرِ
15. If worries have corrupted your heart,
There is no gain like winning through the flute and strings,
١٥. إِنْ وَتَرَتْ قَلْبَكَ الهُمومُ فَما
مِثْلَ انْتِصارٍ بِالنّايِ والوَتَرِ
16. And loving companions who confuse their admirers,
With the glances of the gazelle's eyes.
١٦. وشادِنٍ حَيَّرَتْ لَواحِظُهُ
أَلحاظَ عَيْنِ الغَزَالِ بِالحَوَرِ
17. I am compelled in his love to forgive him,
So if he is unfaithful to me, I will argue destiny.
١٧. أُجْبِرْتُ في حُبِّهِ لأَعْذُرَهُ
فَإِنْ جَفاني احْتَجَجْتُ بِالقَدَرِ
18. I asked him for a false gift, and he gave generously,
And all this with tongues of glance.
١٨. سَأَلْتُهُ زَوْرَةً فَجادَ بِها
وكُلُّ هَذا بِأَلسُنِ النَّظَرِ
19. So I attained my request from the wine of his saliva,
And my pleasure from other sources.
١٩. فَنِلْتُ سُؤلِيَ مِنْ رَشْفِ ريقِتهِ
ومُنْيَتي مِنْ مَآَرِبٍ أُخَرِ