
The rose of the fragrant garden

وورد بستان قحابية

1. The rose of the fragrant garden
Arranged with utmost beauty

١. وورد بُسْتانِ قحابية
رَتَّبَهُ الحسن بنوْعَيْنِ

2. Its outer layer like ruby
Its inner self like pure gold

٢. ظَاهِرُها مِنْ قَشْرِ يَاقوتَةٍ
بَاطِنُها مِنْ ذَهَبٍ عَيْنِ

3. I kissed it, lovingly, when
The full moon revived me

٣. قَبَّلْتُها حُبّاً لها إِذ بِها
حَيّانِيَ البَدْرُ على عَيْنِ

4. As if it were my cheek next to its cheek
The day we met at dawn

٤. كأَنَّها خَدّي عَلى خَدِّهِ
يَوْمَ اجْتَمَعْنا غَدْوَةَ البَيْنِ

5. A fortress whose peaks the ibex scaled
And crossed the almond groves below

٥. وقَلْعَةٍ عَانَقَ العُيُّوقُ سَافِلَها
وجَازَ مَنْطِقَةَ الجَوْزا أَعالِيها

6. It knows no rain when clouds veil it
A land its showers saturate

٦. لا تَعْرِفُ القَطْرَ إِذْ كَان الغَمامُ لَها
أَرْضاً تَوَطّأُ قطريه مَواشيها

7. When the clouds appear its dweller
Crosses its meadows before they disappear

٧. إِذا الغَمامَةُ لاحَتْ خاضَ ساكِنُها
حِياضَها قَبْلَ أَنْ تَهْمى عَزالِيها

8. Its watchtower is counted among the stars
If only it traversed their orbits

٨. يُعَدُّ مِنْ أَنْجُمِ الأَفْلاكِ مَرقَبُها
لَوْ أَنَّهُ كانَ يَجْري في مَجاريها

9. On a lofty, honored lineage that was filled
With pride through it while it was filled with wanderings

٩. عَلى ذُرىً شامِخٍ وعرٍ قَد امْتَلأَتْ
كِبْراً بِهِ وهو مَمْلوءٌ بِها تِيها

10. It has eagles, eagles of the hovering clouds
That hide within its crags

١٠. لَهُ عقابٌ عقاب الجَوّ حَائِمةٌ
مِنْ دونِها فَهيَ تَخْفَى في خَوافيها

11. It deflected the schemes of kingdoms, their schemes
And shortened their far reaching hopes

١١. ردت مَكايِد أَمْلاكٍ مَكايِدها
وقَصَّرَتْ بِدَواهِيهِمْ دَواهيها

12. It bent your lofty ambition its ambition
When you made the heights its pasture

١٢. أَوْطَأَتْ هِمَّتكَ العَلْياءَ هامَتَها
لَما جَعَلْتَ العَوالي مِنْ مَراقيها

13. You did not compare any creature in the wilderness to it
When it saw the hardness of fate in the grasp of its Creator

١٣. ولم تَقِسْ بِكَ خَلْقاً في البَريَّةِ إِذْ
رَأَتْ قُسِيَّ الرَّدى في كَفِ باريها