1. The robe of dusk has softened and the air grew sweet,
The jujubes leaned towards the sunset in the west,
١. رَقَّ ثَوْبُ الدُّجَى وطاب الهَواءُ
وتَدلَّتْ للمَغْرِبِ الجَوْزَاءُ
2. And the bright morning has spread over the land
A white sheet of dew.
٢. والصَّبَاحُ المُنيرُ قد نُشِرَتْ مِنْهُ
عَلى الأَرْضِ رَيْطَةٌ بيضاءُ
3. Give me to drink of it, that you may see the sun as it sets
Cast over it a yellowish reflection.
٣. فَاسْقِنيها حتَّى تَرى الشمسَ في ال
غَرْبِ عليها غِلالَةٌ صَفْرَاءُ
4. A coffee from Babylon, like the cheek
Of a young virgin, though swarthy.
٤. قَهْوَةٌ بابِلِيةٌ كَدَمِ الشَّا
دِنِ بِكْراً لكِنَّها شَمْطاءُ
5. The ages have clothed it in a dress of tenderness
Until the air around it grew tranquil.
٥. قَدْ كَسَتْها الدُّهورُ أَرْدِيَةَ الرِّق
قةِ حتَّى جَفا لَدَيْها الهَواءُ
6. In the cheek of its cup - the yellow of apples,
And in the cheek - a rosy red rose.
٦. فَهْيَ في خَدِّ كأْسِهَا صُفْرَةُ التِّبْ
رِ وفي الخَدِّ وَرْدَةٌ حَمْرَاءُ
7. Wondrous things have I seen, of the wonders of things
Is He who has power over all things.
٧. عَجَباً ما رَأَيْتُ من أَعْجَبِ الأَشْ
ياءِ تَقْديرَ مَنْ لَهُ الأَشْياءُ
8. A jet-black night transforms into glowing embers
And darkness emanates illumination.
٨. سَبَجٌ يَسْتَحيلُ منهُ عَقيقٌ
وظلامٌ يَنْسلُّ منهُ ضِياءُ