
With my imagination if you seek me

ببامخايال إن حاولتما طلبي

1. With my imagination if you seek me
Then you will find me fallen there

١. بِبامخايالِ إِنْ حاوَلْتُما طَلَبي
فَأَنْتُما تَجِداني ثَمَّ مَطْروحا

2. My friend this is the life in which
Were gathered wishes so off to the monastery go

٢. يا صَاحِبيّ هو العُمْرُ الذي جُمِعَتْ
فيهِ المُنى فاغْدُوَا لِلدَّيْرِ أَوْ رُوحا

3. Land and sea whose breeze conveys to the soul
The scent of roses distilled in pure water

٣. بَرٌّ وبَحْرُ بِهِ يُهْدي نَسيمُهُما
للرُّوحِ مِسْكاً بِماءِ الوَرْدِ مَنْفوحا

4. The fisher drags his net disturbed
Alive while his prey the hawk lies slaughtered

٤. يَجُرُّ صَيّادُه الشَّبُّوطَ مُضْطَرِباً
حَيّاً وقَانِصُهُ اليَعْفُور مَذْبوحا