
The friend revived life from bloody carnage though it was fading away,

حيا الحيا دمن العقيق وإن عفت

1. The friend revived life from bloody carnage though it was fading away,
in it were covenants of lovers and pacts.

١. حَيّا الحَيا دِمَنَ العَقيقِ وإِنْ عَفَتْ
فيهِ عُهودُ أَحِبَّةٍ ومَعاهِدُ

2. The clouds wept copiously for their fosterer,
lightning and thunder protected them.

٢. وبَكَتْ بُكايَ عَلى رُباهُ غَمائِمٌ
يَجْنُبْنَهُنَّ بَوارِقٌ ورَواعِدُ

3. My patience in youth over my incomplete happiness
is excessive compared to my bliss.

٣. وعلى الصِّبا أَيّامَ صَبْري ناقِصٌ
عَنْ شَمْسِ كُلَّتِهِ ووَجدي زائِدُ

4. A rising full moon rose for us and illuminated,
so a fruitful branch was set in motion.

٤. طَلَعَتْ لَنا فَأَنارَ بَدْرٌ طالِعٌ
فَتأَوَّدَتْ فاهْتَزَّ غُصْنٌ مائِدُ

5. It wept in sorrow so a melting light poured down,
and it smiled so a fading shadow lit up.

٥. وبَكَتْ أَسىً فانْهَلَّ نورٌ ذائِبٌ
وتَبَسَّمَتْ فأَضاءَ ظِلٌّ حامِدُ