
You have granted me grace until if I were weighed

وأنحلني حتى لو أني بكفة

1. You have granted me grace until if I were weighed
Against my shadow on the other scale, my shadow would not outweigh me.

١. وأَنْحَلَني حتَّى لو أَنّي بِكَفْةٍ
وظِلّي بِأُخْرى ما رَجَحْتُ على ظِلّي

2. When she appears at dawn, you say, "A gazelle in the morning light!"
And when she glances, you say, "A gazelle in the sand!"

٢. إذا طَلَعَتْ قُلْتَ الغَزالَةُ في الضُّحى
وإِنْ نَظَرَتْ قُلْتَ الغَزالةُ في الرَّمْلِ

3. A vision the eyes behold as if she were
The remnants of sleep scattered in drowsy eyes.

٣. خِلالٌ يَراها الطَّرْفُ حتَّى كَأَنَّها
مَبادي نُعاسٍ ذُرَّ في أَعْيُنٍ نُجْلِ

4. Events have refined him, though refinement
Is only revealed on polished swords.

٤. وقَدْ هَذَّبَتْهُ الحادِثاتُ وإِنَّما
يَبينُ افْرَنْدُ الحُسامِ على الصَّقْلِ

5. Thus the full moon resembles a crescent, and in the lion's cub
One glimpses a semblance of the lion.

٥. كَذا البَدْرُ شِبْهٌ لِلهِلالِ ولَمْ يَزَلْ
يُرى في هِزَبْرِ اللَّيْثِ شِبْهٌ مِنَ الشِّبْلِ

6. Blessed is He who created you a full moon without darkness,
A cub without absence, a rain without mud.

٦. تَبارَكَ مَنْ أَبْداكَ بَدْراً بِلا دُجىً
وَشِبْلاً بِلا غَيْلٍ وغَيْثاً بِلا وَحْلِ